Apr 08, 2004 09:05
i laid down for a nap with seamus and ended up sleeping all night. apparently, when my brain gets too much sleep it does some serious spring cleaning because i had dreams about people i haven't even seen in years. i'll try and remember as much as i can:
first dream...i was in some class or workshop where the ambiguously gay professor made us dress up in lederhosen and learn a traditional belguim story-telling dance. we only had one day to learn it and i couldn't quite get it right. luckily, i didn't have many lines but my partner (who kept changing from gavin's new girl cynthia to bobbi kesterman (random person #1)) was getting upset with me. after the class was over we all got our grade sheets. the professor had written on mine that i wouldn't be getting credit for this class due to some kind of problem with my registration date. i got really upset because the exact same thing was happening with another class of mine. i was walking with cynthia to her dressing room (apparently we have these at school) and was hitting on her to no avail. i asked her where the cafeteria was, she showed me, and i went in. the cafeteria was my high school cafeteria and the lunch was turkey manhattan. i sat down at a table with heather boggs, bridget elmore, and ricka goodwin (random people numbers 2, 3, and 4). they all ignored me so i drew nipples on ricka's shirt and left. something happened in the parking lot but i don't really remember what, it had something to do with me sitting in the car listening to music.
the next dream was a long one with many sudden changes. i really can't remember all the details or what order they occurred in so i'm going to just write what i do remember. i was driving around with grandma & grandpa irani through some rural area and we had just eaten at some ritzy restaurant and were on our way to another. we were discussing the album i had given them to listen to (dzihan and kamien's 'gran riserva') and which tracks we all enjoyed. i decided i was tired of eating at ritzy restaurants and said i just wanted to get some lunchmeat from a convenience store and eat at a picnic table. we did that and pulled up in someone's driveway who had picnic tables in their backyard. suddenly my sister was with us and as we pulled up a bassett hound ran up to the car. we got in a discussion about whether or not it was bigger than seamus as we walked to the picnic table. the ground underneath the first picnic table was covered in dog shit so we decided not to sit there. my feet were too big to fit between the table-top and the bench of the next picnic table so we went to the third one and sat down. i could tell grandma and grandpa were disgusted with our surroundings which made me happy for some reason. now suddenly we are at my parents' house and it is new year's eve (though it's really the same day). i am thinking about how i need to get going so i can make it all the parties and i make up some excuse so i can leave. for some reason i associate heather boggs' house with this section of the dream. ok this is where it gets weird:
i return home, which is an incredibly shitty apartment/convenience store that i share with bobby and another person whose likeness keeps changing. we make plans to go to gavin's for a party that night and then david murdick and katie jones (random person #5) show up. things are kind of hazy for a bit but what finally happens is that david gets pissed off at something and drives his truck into our apartment/store and starts breaking everything. the burgular alarm goes off and we are all really freaked out so bobby and i hop into my car and drive off. by this time it's well past midnight and were supposed to have been at gavin's a long time ago. i call gavin's phone and sara murphy answers and i ask for gavin. i explain to gavin what happened and ask if we can crash on his couch. he says no and says we should go home, clean everything up, and wait for the police to get there. he then explains that i really should have come over because that night was my perfect chance to get with beth. so we return home and this part of the dream gets really chopped up. rather than try and remember it all i'm going to just skip to the next big section that i can remember. the end of this dream involved us watching a movie that was supposedly a leaked copy of harmony korine's new movie. it starred davnny devito as some sloppy, perverted, fat, handicapped redneck and helen hunt as his daughter. unfortunately i can't remember all of this dream but i remember a lot of nudity and profanity and i remember helen hunt giving birth in a tree with danny devito dressed up as a woman delivering the baby. the weird thing is that the movie was kind of mixed in with my dream-life..it took place in my house and i was walking amongst the characters. at one point i was near washington street walking through cornfields filled with snow. my legs were extremely tired and about to give out when i passed stephanie and becky stout (random people numbers 43085720857285718325). god...i really can't remember much of this part of the dream which sucks because it was really fucked up. i remember at one point when we were actually watching it i kept screaming about how there was no other reason he makes movies than to shock people and if anyone thinks otherwise they're idiots. beth was there and i couldn't get with her because i'm a dumbass.
another random part that i just remembered but don't remember where it was in these dreams: i was in a classroom sitting next to wayne lewis. the teacher was lecturing about a calvin and hobbes strip that was making extremely racist remarks about the events of 9/11. i kept thinking that this wasn't accurate so i looked in the front of our calvin and hobbes text book to learn that the latter strips were written by someone else other than bill watterson. the teacher came over, pulled down my eyelids, walked back up to the board and wrote 'crap' in parentheses next to his lecture notes.
yeah, so i guess these dreams aren't as cool as i remember them. the harmony korine one was...but i can't really remember it. they also sound really boring when they're written about but when i was experiencing them they were really intense...esp. the murdick one.