Mar 15, 2004 10:17
Again, you may have seen this, but I wanted to personalize it... This touched me very deeply and I wanted to let you know how I felt...
Believe it or not, I've thought many times about this. how I have treated my players sometimes, or my employees, being thoughtful, considerate even patient to a fault. Then I have thought how sometimes I have treated each of you..
Ian, over the years I know I've put lots of pressure on you to be perfect... Doesn't seem reasonable does it?? Hopefully, lately, in the last few years you've noticed that maybe I finally began to "get it", and allow you to be yourself. I sometimes wonder why I've spent so much personal time with my players, coaching and developing them, yet what seems like very little with you. I hope you understand and can learn from my mistakes and impatience for when you become a husband/father.
Leah, lately here I've been the same with you, not wanting you to make mistakes, be yourself, be human and have faults. Although I can say I try, I too make those mistakes. Allowing you to be yourself and not be perfect seems difficult as I view you as perfect so when you make mistakes I'm shocked.... Doesn't seem fair or reasonable does it? I hope you too can learn from my mistakes as well. You are much more like your mom, so at least I have that comfort in your relationships. You are a wonderful person with a lot of compassion for others, a trait you should cherish forever.
My wife- my friend, over the years I can't remember how many times I've treated you unfairly. I've always felt you were so perfect that when you did make mistakes it felt like the end of the world to me, I had placed you so high on a pedestal.. Have you ever wondered why I spent so much time out of our family working with, helping, coaching and mentoring people, young and old. I think sometimes because I've felt I failed and was inadequate in my own family, with my own children. As confident and sometimes arrogant as I come across, I too have my own insecurities.
I want you all to know how much I love, respect and admire each of you. I notice how sometimes your lives evolve around mine and I don't always reciprocate that attention back... I hope we can all continue to grow to appreciate and understand each other and allow ourselves to be "ourselves".. I'm thankful for the family I have and I can only wish for my children that they learn from me how both to "do things" and "not do things", how to "be" and "not to be".. To my friend and wife, thank you and I love you.....
Your loving husband and father..............
now how the fuck am i supposed to respond to that?