um. whoops. this is now a primer, i guess. KINGS OF MOTHERFUCKING LEON

Jul 16, 2009 13:42

If I had to choose one band to have group sex with, it wouldn't be Panic! It would be with the fucking Kings of Leon.

Seriously. Like, sure, Jared, the youngest one, is the hottest. Born 1984, youngest of three brothers, born to a Pentecostal evangelist minister father or something of the sort. So they all grew in a heavily religious environment. Also, they traveled a lot for whatever reason. Jared plays bass guitar and piano. DOES ANYONE SEE A RELATION BETWEEN THE INSTRUMENTS AND HOW I THINK HE IS? I SURE DON'T. ANYHOW. Also, he learnt how to play bass a month prior to the recording of the band's first album because he is awesome like that. Apparently that was not the instrument of his choice, but the band needed a bassist and he really wanted to be in the band. So. He was also 15 at the time. Let's skip to the important part, where I show you how hot he is.


HDSJKFSKDFHDSJHFJHFKJSF. can have me nao. kthanxbai.

when he plays, his shirt is always slightly open. i very much appreciate this.

HE IS ENGAGED D:< To a model, Alisa Torres. FU, ALISA, FU.


ETA: I forgot to add THIS.


OKAY. Then there's Caleb, born 1982, plays guitar and does lead vocals. Everyone sings a little bit, though. But his voice...he gives me chills whenever I listen to him. Come on, have you heard him on "Use Somebody"? *shivers* Also, he used to write a lot fo weird country religious shit with his older brother, Nathan, who I will speak of later on. I'm so glad they've moved on from that particular musical style \o/ NOt that I have anything against country music, but. You know. Also, Caleb: I would not get near him if he still had his ugly hippie hair, but NOW...


psh. PSH. he's so good at guitar he's like "what, you talking to me?" while idly plucking at the chords. THIS MAN. AND HAVE YOU HEARD HIS VOICE?! nnnnngh

LMAO he always stares into space while he's playing. it's funny.

he is dating Lily Alridge, a model. She's in the "Use Somebody" video. Haven't done my research on her. Yet.

and after thoooose two

here is MATTHEW. he is not actually a fourth sibling, but a cousin. he's also, like, 18. okay, not really, he was born in 1984 so he's 25, BUT. he sure as hell looks 18. I BET HE WAS JAILBAIT. IDK. he plays lead guitar. and back-up vocals, too, y. He didn't actually grow up with the other three. Like, the others are originally from Mt. Juliet, Tennessee, and Matthew is from Oklahoma City, I think. So he was the one who wasn't into the whole heavy-religious-up-bringing, but he's cool.

...i kind of really want to see his sex face.
i mean what.

but this is probably as close i'll ever get. NOT THAT I'M COMPLAINING, YKNOW.

or this. Sorry, Caleb, but I prefer a man who actually focuses on what he's doing. (...i could make so many innuendos right now...)

He is currently dating Johanna Bennett, a British musician. It's really hard to find a picture though.

that's the only one I found.

AND THEN THE FOURTH BROTHER. he is not as hot as the others but we gotta make do. he adds...charisma to the group. or a pair of glasses. or. something. Nathan Followill is the does drumming and percussions. He's the oldest brother, born in 1979. So they all fight a lot? Idk, I feel like they would be awesome to write fanfiction about. they had shit with cocaine and heroin and whatnot, and they fight all the fucking time. They don't even deny it, I read the Rolling Stone cover article \o/

i mean. he's cute. but, if he cut his hair...well then.

he has a pretty sweet tattoo indian. idk.

...yes, he sported a pedostache once, too. it didn't look as bad on him as it did on spencer. but, you know. T.I. remains the king of all pedostaches.

He is with Jesse Baylin, an American singer or some shit.

they're all sorts of adorable together. I hate her hair, though.

Fun fact: my sister had to deal with them when they came to Argentina in 2007. She was, like. Idk. She took care of them, fed em, took them to the places they needed to be at. SHE WAS A FREAKISH MOTHER-HEN. She was then asked out by one of them, although she can't remember which one. She said now because she had a a boyfriend is really stupid. D:

jared followill: ill follow you anywhere, picspam, kings of leon, music

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