May 08, 2005 01:53
Things have been tough for everyone...especially two certain people in my my best friend, and one my girlfriend....i hope they both know im here for them...and its really hard for me to have to sit and watch this stuff happen to them....for him i guess its one of the hardest things that coulda happened....and i can't say i know how it feels....cause i don't....its insanely difficult to watch that happen to him....and her...she has to go through something im very farmiliar with...people please don't ask who they are...cause they know and thats all i want....
my weekend was boomer and neal drove around and just had a good time...i had to work was rough....and i broke up 8 gallons of milk...and i had to clean it up...lots of fucking milk was funny and boomer were driving around and we met up with ashley and katie....adn followed them around....we were bored so we just drove around and then everyone went home....and i decided i wanted to take a i did...
"I remember when people used to say things will get better in the end...well we aren't at the end yet..."