Why, hello There.

May 29, 2020 17:54

My name is Daniel Jackson, I'm 8 years old, I arrived in New York with my parents, Claire and Melburn Jackson, we were only supposed to be here for a few weeks while my parents displayed the finds from their latest dig at the New York museum of ART, but you may have seen an article in the newspaper about the accident that happened while the exhibit was being set up, one of the links in the chain that was holding the cover stone came apart making it drop so it knocked over several of the towers collapsing them, so they fell inward, pinning my parents under them, they were both taken to the hospital by ambulance and at first I didn't understand how badly they were hurt, nobody would tell me anything in the beginning, they wouldn't let me go in the ambulance with them, which I didn't understand and it took two whole days for anyone to tell me that they had both died under the weight of the stones;The only relative I have beside them is Nick, my Grandfather, but he said he wouldn't take me because his work was too busy for him to watch me too which meant I have to live with Fosters, I hate it, the people are really nice to me, but they already have 3 other boys so it is really noisy here and, instead of being home-schooled like I was when my parents were alive, I now have to go to a public school, which means I don't get to learn things that interest me, but instead have to learn things that the teacher plans and even though most of it so far is really easy and baby work like coloring pictures or matching things, no one listens when I tell them home-schooling is better for me.

stargate sg-1:au [storyline]natural chil, daniel jackson, stargate:sg-1, [storyline]natural childhood [who]daniel

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