Apr 13, 2006 19:16
So life's pretty shitty these days. There's a few possible reasons for this:
1. I live in Ontario instead of NS
2. Credit cards have a natural attraction to my hot hot body
3. God resents me for being my mother's child
4. I'm not Buddhist
Now, although these all seem like plausible reasons, I believe that there is one in that list that sticks right out. It's clearly number 4. I figure if I was Buddhist, life would always seem good. They're all about the inner peace right? I need some of that. I'm pretty sure it's cheaper than Keith's and its effects last longer too. They could make a buttload of money if they stuck inner peace into a pill form. Maybe they already have. Does Demerol mean inner peace in another language? Just to be on the safe side I think I'm gonna go the natural way on this one. Instead of moving to Halifax in September, I'm moving to Tibet. I'll live in one of those temples and eat lots of rice. It'll be an easy transition, since rice is all I can afford to eat right now. The only hitch is that I need enough money to get there. I am therefore initiating a new charity orginization called "Phil for next Dalai Lama". If you are interested in supporting this cause, please feel free to call our operators 24/7 at (613) 540-2407. This is a toll-free number, unless you live outside of Kingston, ON. Please donate generously. Also, ladies should feel free to call that number anytime they feel a little lonely. ;)