wtf peopel kill me

Nov 22, 2008 17:29

ok  so my aunt got online and this is the conversation we had hehee its about my mom

Orangemen50: Hey are you on line?

semuskiea: ya

Orangemen50: Rember Chirs & Bobby River next to us at camp.  There daughter Jennifer was in a bad accident last night, her boyfriend got killed, and she in ICU down at Albany Med.

semuskiea: o my

Orangemen50: I talk to you Mom & if you haven't talk to her yet, give her a call.  She wants to talk to you.  Remeber she does love you.

semuskiea: well she made me mad

semuskiea: all she has been doing is telling lies

Orangemen50: What is she lieing about?  I know I make Greg made to,  I guess that just part of being a parent.

semuskiea: i have hurd from several people that she was going around town and telling people diffrent stuff

semuskiea: then the other day when i talked to her she lied on the phone to me

Orangemen50: What did she lie to you about on the phone.

Orangemen50: Remeber don't believe everything you hear.

semuskiea: and then the other day in court lorees lawyer came out and aske who all lived with her and she was told that paul was living
there to

semuskiea: so i dont no what to belive from her anymore

semuskiea: she had said that she ever said i could nt see paul and that i was welcome to do what i wanted when i was there

Orangemen50: Just know that she does love you.

semuskiea: ok

semuskiea: but i still cant belive her

Orangemen50: She only wants the best for you, and maybe she thought Paul was not.  Trust me I would love not to have Tasha with Greg,
but that's his choice and not mine, but I can voice my opions to him, & I know he doesn't like it.

semuskiea: ok but if hes not the best for me then i think i need to figure that out not her tell me that i cant see him any more or i can find another place to live

semuskiea: its not like he has ever done anything to her or me for that mater

Orangemen50: Maybe if you can talk to her, about how you feel about Paul, and tell her that's who you want to see, may be she let it go.  Don't shut her out of your life completely.

semuskiea: im not i just dont want to talk to her at this point cause i no if i do its not going to end well

Orangemen50: Please give her a call & talk to her.  I know she would like to have you there for Thanksgiving, and I also know that Paul is also welcome.  Because she told me that.

semuskiea: i already made plans for thanksgiving and im not sure if i can change them

Orangemen50: I don;t know why Lorie's lawyer asked if Paul lived there.

semuskiea: cause it was said to her by tjs

Orangemen50: It would be nice if you could change your plans, atleast give your Mom a call and tell her you can't make it,

semuskiea: ill have to see

semuskiea: she had never asked if i was coming up

Orangemen50: It a sad thing Riley, I feel bad for her.  She is the only one that is getting hurt out of all of his.
Orangemen50: Well, I know if you would call your Mom she would asked you and Paul both to come to Turkey dinner.  Tell Paul to give her a chance, too.  Tell him I want to see you & him to X-Mas and so does Aunt Brenda.

semuskiea: i was planing on going there for christmas i dont no about him his family normaly goes to his grams

Orangemen50: Okay enought preaching, I love you.  How about X Mas Eve.  Give your Mom a call for me.

semuskiea: k love u to
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