people r crazy douchebags

Nov 20, 2008 21:28

ok so i went to court today for this whole thing between riley, loree. and my brother. well first we went in and talked to lorees lower and she was realy nice and said had taken us one at a time and she explained to me that it was not like a normal court it was going to be everyone sitting around a table and only the lowers judge and the person who is getting the questions asked to. then she said that we were more then likly not going to go in but if i for some reason got called all she was going to ask me was the sexual jesters that riley was making. so then we go to the court and loree had said to her about my mom calling and herassing me the day before o wate let me explaing this one cause its funny. so my mom calls me and was like y dont u pack a bag and come with use after the court hering is over. i was just like no im cool. so then she is like y  u doing this to us like im the problem. so i freaked and i was like ur the one that said to choose between paul and there so i did. well, she denied the whole thing then i siad i was not alowed to see im talk to him or have anything to do with him and she was like ur lyeing i never said u could not go over there. then she brought up last sunday that i was going to stay. and i said ya i was but when i came down stairs and asked what u wanted me to do with the stuff u icnored me and she again was like i did not u never said that. then i was like o realy ask lorees mom lol and hung up the phone. back to today then the lower was very nice and said y dont we sit ouver this side so we were away from my mom. so then we sat for about 2 hours the lowers come out and siad to loree they r claiming that alyses bf is lvving with u and my mouth droped and she was just like no. then later loree said to me man i have never see ur mouth open that wide and ur face turn that red lol anyway she went over everything and loree agreeded and whne they were still talking tj lower came over and was like u need to hury up im done lets go. ok what kind of person does that? so then they go back in for about 20 min wright everything up for loree and tj to sine and after that they make a big deal about calling riley on her phone but her phone is a track phone that only 3 # get programed into and calls can only go out. so loree explaned to her lower and goes over to explain it to tj and his lower starts screaming at lorees lower. lol anyway went and get ready to go and we started walking out and go past where my mom and brother r sitting and my mom screems down the hall way love u sisey be good and i was ready to turn around and say fuck off back and i was like no im not doing it im not going down to her level this was a sarcastick i love u with a psh after it. and we got to the elovater and lorees mom was like i wanted to turn around and tell her not to talk to u like that. anyway im tired and have a large headack and dont feel like speel/gramer checking it so if u cant read sorry but to fucking bad lol

paul just sent this to me paul: your mother needs to die in the worse way

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