peopel r a**holes

Nov 03, 2008 23:21

im so fucking borde right now and watching family guy. its the one where stewey is drunk.

brian: you're brunk!
Stewey: you're sexy!

anyway tlife is gay. and apreently everyone thinks paul is to. i was talking to some peopel yesterday and they told em that my brother thinks that paul is gay and using me as a cover up. i no he is not using me. we have been going out for almost 2 years. i think i no if he was gay i mean crap we may have not had sex in like 6 mounts but that all changed this week cause his parent were not around lol u no what realy pisses me off is that they dont even no him and never took the time to get to no him. o well i no what hes like and that i love him and that we have a good relationship that does not need others inputs. and y is it that everyone thinks that we would not go out with othr people not as a cupple but just go out with friend. a friend of his family was talking about the wedding they went to and said that paul was in other peoples cabens all night playing drinking games and i was like i no  he told me and she was like dont worie it was not a girls caben it was a guys there were some girls but they all had bf and i was just like i dont care he can do what he wants to. but it was like she had to explain that he was not cheeting on me. and i no paul hes not the type of guy to cheet. he has told me that im the only one that he can get cofertuble with. he told me this week that im the only one he wants to be with and that im prity awww yes it was nice but strange cause hes not like that o and it was after he try picking me up and i had to be standing under a wooden bar and i hit my head. lol hes more of the have fun with whatever we r doing type of person not the ur so prity i love u type. anyway im tired and need to sleep bla so ill finish later
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