complaint department

Oct 11, 2008 01:03


I'm having a tough time.

there, I said it.

It's not the not being able to drink for 10 days. that's just the icing on the cake.
It's not the ear infection or the tension headaches, it's the fact that I actually HAVE tension that's a problem. That doesn't happen.
It's getting upset wayyyy more often than I used to.
But on the contrary, experiencing happy emotions is nice, too. And thats also happening way more often than I'm used to.

Democracy in Performance can run in front of traffic on Hempstead turnpike. If that woman told us ahead of time that we had so much work to do for this, until saving it until less than a week before we had to be interviewed by papers and news crews...that would be a little better for me. I'd have enjoyed the experience more and been happy about getting the exposure. Rather than being like, FUCK BELLA ABZUG I want this class to end!
I wish I could play a better Bella Abzug, but I've had some form of ailment, for 3 out of the 6 weeks I've been here.

I'm not used to ailments. Or medicine.

Senior year has not been a percentage as fun and crazy and whatever-I-want as I'd hoped for it to be by this time. I can already see the end of the semester approaching and it's not scary it's just really disappointing that there's so much I haven't done.

...My thesis is going to suck.

I want the election to fucking get over with itself. I'm sick of politics. And people's politics, lack of politics, or opinions about other people's politics.

BONUS POINT! One thing that didn't happen: No allergic reaction to Amoxicillin. Yay.
My parents couldn't remember if I was allergic or not because it's been 17 years since I've had an ear infection. It was quite comical and unassuring for my safety today.

In conclusion, I am having a tough time.
But it's still fun to laugh at anyway, cause it's me.
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