Wings from Insects? ARMS FROM PEOPLE!!!

Apr 14, 2010 21:31

The Valeyard wrote this in sixwordstories

Why:  Master didn't want the Tea-Boy.  He'll amuse the Valeyard.

Master:  After nearly having a cannibalistic tea party like my dreams, the Master lures the Valeyard away from Earth to Riskorst with a one way teleportation device.  Eventually, the Master is able to pull the Doctor back out using a device that allows him to muddle his thoughts and block their connection.  With no way to disseminate the drums and with the Master not removing the hidden device, the Doctor goes steadily madder.  During an episode of milkshake eating, he runs towards the planet's teleportation device (thank you kind citizens!) and heads home.  The Master is having too much fun...and lets the Doctor go alone.

Luke:  The Valeyard manipulates Luke Campbell into spying for him on NYC Jack.

bv: person.iantodrippy, bv: person.valeyard, bv: person.jacknyc, bv: person.luke, bv: person.master

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