"Here TARDIS-TARDIS!" for storms_rose

Apr 14, 2010 14:12

Who:  The Doctor (me) and Broken Rose (storms_rose )
Why:  The Doctor promised her that he'd help her find her TARDIS after she fixed the Master's eyes.
When:  Takes place directly after this thread.  The Doctor has not yet succumbed to the Valeyard.

The Doctor slept for exactly forty-seven minutes, no more and no less.  He woke on the floor in the Master's room and blinked, frowning.  The Master was far too much at work for the Doctor to even get an answer for him -- he was evidently dismantling something -- and so the Time Lord simply left him there to do whatever it was the Masters did when they were ignoring their Doctors.

The Red TARDIS had been somewhat civil up to this point, allowing a Rose in to fix her precious and oddly beloved Master just as she had allowed the other Rose inside of her to find the Broken Doctor when Theta turned on him.  That could change at any moment, however.  The Doctor yawned a bit, shoelaces undone, and just as he had when he needed Rose to save his best friend, he scooped her right up off of the floor and carted her out the door.

"Hello," he said, almost cheerfully, making sure to be nice.  She hadn't liked it at all when he didn't greet her last time.

bv: person.rose

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