"Virtual Resistance: Part I" - The Doctor & Theta

Mar 23, 2010 21:00

"Virtual Resistance: Part I"
Who: The Doctor (me), Theta (handoften )
When:  The Doctor's Captain Jack Harkness is still in custody in the red TARDIS.  It's been a few days since they've captured him and so far, there's been no problems on any front other than a crazy Ianto trying to hunt down his Jack.  This IMMEDIATELY precedes Theta's dream ( found here), therefore I've changed the date of the entry.  It was originally began on March 24 @ 11:27 PM.

It was too warm in Theta's bed sometimes and certainly not as much fun being there when there was no Theta to enjoy it with.  The Doctor got up slowly, his mind working like a broken record player getting caught in a scratch.  It would just keep going over and over the same parts again and again but he'd never progress in any understanding of the subject matter.  Jack, Jack, Jack.  Keeping him locked up in their TARDIS was a half nightmare and the Doctor had been so certain he'd enjoy it.

Once out in the corridor, legs bare from the hems of a pair of orange boxer shorts, arms covered by a green cotton shirt that was just a little too long in the arms so that the cuffs covered his knuckles, the Doctor pushed his palm to the red satin wall.  "Don't get me lost tonight.  Let me go and see Jack for just a few minutes, yeah?  Then we'll go play hide and seek for Thete!"

The TARDIS didn't answer him, but that was all right.  He thought that they had an understanding.  Truth was, the Doctor and his other half-self's time and space machine did have an understanding, only she had not filled the Doctor in on it at that moment.  She was a bit devious like that sometimes.

There were far grander things to do and see than to lead the Doctor -- her favorite playmate perhaps though he had been leaving her for hours on end to play house with Rose or held tend to the Master's side projects -- to the ranting Captain still locked up in her bowels.  There were rooms she'd never opened to him before.  Never once.

Yawning, the Doctor did not realize where he was standing until he realized that the only open corridor led back to Theta's bedroom.  "Virtual reality databanks?" he asked outloud, rubbing sleep from his eyes as he padded over to the massive screen.  "Forgot we had something like this."  He rarely used his own in a TARDIS that was rabidly becoming nothing more than a club house for him.  Or a car of sorts to make little trips to planets for spare parts for the Master and amusements for Rose.  "All right, TARDIS.  What's here?  Let's see the processors..."

Having the file names appear in front of him on the first time he asked made him blink and then laugh with happy amusement.

"Extra fish for you, sweet Tabby," he said, grinning at his nickname for the red TARDIS.  She was not a cat, but he treated her a bit like one.  She did have claws and was fickle with her affections after all!  "And a little scratch under the chin too if you don't zap me for touching the controls!"

bv: person.theta

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