016 ⚸

Nov 11, 2011 00:04

[Flowers. Everybody likes flowers, right? Only a heartless monster wouldn't!


Annie resents flowers, all flowers, for reasons she does not care to go into for too many people know already THANKS DAN thank you very much. But, as Mayfield's national pastimes include baseball and irony, she is currently working in the very aptly-named local flower ( Read more... )

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freedomofwomen November 11 2011, 13:16:10 UTC
[ Just out in the flower shop, and.. well, that employee sounds pretty grumpy, huh? No matter that though, Eva still has her usual tiny smile bordering on a smirk on a face. ]

My, sounds like you didn't get the ideal job opportunity.


notsaul November 13 2011, 04:59:23 UTC
Imagine getting the worst possible job you could ever get ever in the history of life.

That's my fucking life right now.


freedomofwomen November 13 2011, 16:58:35 UTC
It's still not quite as bad as having to sit at home all day and being treated as a housewife by the local drone population. The chauvinism here is absolutely horrid.


notsaul November 14 2011, 00:43:36 UTC
[she doesn't know what that word means...] I know, right? Like all the girls here couldn't do, like, all the shit the guys do, but a million times better.


freedomofwomen November 14 2011, 15:24:39 UTC
[ it's okay, as long as she gets the gist.. ]

You're right on that one. My 'husband' in this place feels right at home here, considering her preached the same beliefs even back home. It's just downright annoying.


notsaul November 16 2011, 03:46:26 UTC
You should punch him in the cock.



freedomofwomen November 16 2011, 12:13:23 UTC
[ oh, now this is a solution!! ]

Ah, I can't say I haven't already given him a good kick once or twice.. Maybe I should take this one into consideration too. [ She's giggling - maybe she's just joking a little.. maybe. hopefully. probably. ]


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