Jan 11, 2005 22:03
Today was horrible in a lot of ways. But I think it was productive in a lot of ways too.
So many things went wrong, and frustrating, and bad today. But I survived it. I survived the power surge that caused my computer to restart right in the middle of a HUGE task I was writing. I believe i said "What.... IN... THE.. HELL!? *followed by a few choice, colorful words*" Then I got up and walked a lap around the office, and by the time I got back, I sat down, breathed a few deep breaths, and put the folder away for tomorrow. It will be a crunch to get it out on time if I wait until tomorrow, but I always work best under pressure. Strange that. I work quick and efficient when under pressure. Maybe that's why I'm such a fantabulous procrastinator, but apparently, it works. So I'll go with it.
Moved to a different platoon today. Lost a few soldiers in the process. Gained one seemingly outstanding soldier in the process. So, we'll see where this takes us. A lot going on. A lot of last minute deadlines to meet. But, as I've said, I'm the Queen of Under Pressure.
I like that. Queen of Under Pressure. I swear, I kill me with my creativity.