Okay Girls. Lets stop being stupid.

Mar 02, 2005 12:43

Alright well this really pisses me off. I dont know if you guys remember but in October last year a girl said she was raped in the woods near ballentine. About a week later she retracted that statement and admitted that she had made up the story to get back at her boyfriend.
At the Purdue game about...oh a few weeks ago a girl said she had been raped in the bathroom at Assembley Hall. And now? Today it says that she had made up that story...they arent sure why but think it may be b/c she was really really drunk-found passed out in the bathroom and was trying to get out of trouble for alcohol. Well instead hunny you have made it even harder for rape cases to be taken seriously and you have a $10,000 fine plus up to 3 years in jail!!!!!! Is that worth it??
What type of person are you when you make up such a horrible horrible lie such as that??? Women are raped every day and most of them frightened to go to authorities. But some women do suck it up and do go to the police but now what?? Now they will be looked upon and liars and scrutinized b/c of these stupid bratty girls. Ahhh it makes me sooo angry I cant even begin to explain. SO FREAKIN ANGRY!!!
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