13. Quo Vadis? [ Video Post -- Public.]

May 02, 2009 14:55

 [Squalo's sprawling on his couch, looking tad bit worse for wear than usual. Twitchy.]


Yes, I noticed the fact the blog was down last week. I'd thank all of you who pointed it out if I weren't sick and tired of the emails pointing it out.



Moving on, one does wonder what the hell's going to happen with the new police Chief. If I were a more of a nauseatingly optimistic idealist, I'd mention how this is a wonderful opportunity for change or some other stupid nonsense. But since I'm not, you'll have to deal with the cynic you know and love.

Speaking of loving, I'm going to say it once more, last week's column? Was not a fucking challenge. So no, I'm not looking for a goddamn wi--

[Squalo's rant is interrupted by Gulliver, throwing itself into his lap and making Squalo choke on words and a whine.]

...do you fucking mind?

[Squalo shoves the fat, furry... thing off his lap with a grunt before focusing on the camera again.]


I swear to fucking god, I'm going insane.


Entertain me, what do you think of the new police chief?

sister dearest, voooooooiii, oh dear god be merciful, *blog, what the fuck, politics are my hobby, gulliver

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