Puns- the derivative of all terror?

Jul 25, 2006 15:22

Late night math puns during finals week- enjoy!

x-posted to puns

Cats: too bad it's raining; I wanna go down to the diner...
Cats: maybe tomorrow
Unwell: it’s open this late?
Cats: 24 hours
Unwell: it’s like thundering and lightening as well
Unwell: it’s great like a horror novel
Unwell: or movie
Cats: ...with calculus... on my end at least
Unwell: lol
Cats: well, that and the Indigo Girls kinda kill the mood
Unwell: that’s the horror aspect...
Cats: lolol
Cats: The integrals! The integrals!!
Unwell: the derivative of all terror
Cats: omg
Cats: if not the root
Unwell: yes, the violence is quite graph-ic
Cats: oh god, I've cracked...calc puns...nooooo
Cats: can't stop laughing
Unwell: me either...
Unwell: roommates stirring awake...
Cats: as laughter goes to infinity...
Unwell: lmao
Cats: Juan- you're hispanic - you're a tan-gent...
Unwell: i don’t wanna re-sine myself to that fate...
Unwell: oh god... lol
Cats: oh pi god...
Unwell: (i think you’re definitely at the advantage here)
Cats: we've gone crazy, they'll have to cart us away to the L'Hospital...
Cats: so gimme some english puns
Unwell: it's too late, try me again and i could do more english pun than you can shake a spear at
Unwell: besides making english puns would make us real squares...
Cats: alright, next time we'll Locke your puns into a decent hour
Cats: oh! back to math! Swift comeback!
Cats: Dante wanna pun some more??
Unwell: ( i was actually focusing on math.... your terms have too many words and syllables in em...)
Cats: ya, they're too variable, we'll stick to math
Unwell: rofl
Cats: dude, this is bad
Cats: no work is getting done
Unwell: and for what?
Unwell: math puns...
Cats: yes, we are nerds
Unwell: yeah... but i’m not the uber smart i can pass any test kinda nerd...
Unwell: which would at least be an advantage gpa-wise
Cats: no, we're the calc puns at 4am nerd, we make the gpa nerds pee themselves...we're like cool nerds...it's a paradox
Cats: like the 99 lb weakling among all the 98 lb weaklings
Unwell: lmao
Cats: ...we've got the right angle
Unwell: but go off on a different tangent
Cats: and we're not too obtuse either
Unwell: some might call it a-cute pastime...
Unwell: though it is quite plane...

Auto response from Cats:
I'm your huckleberry...

Cats: stupid away messafe
Unwell: *sigh* i thought messafe was a pun....
Cats: I knew you would...but no, I don't have di'vision to plane somehting like that
Unwell: yeah, thats too much for you to graph
Cats: ouch, alright, you've proven your point
Cats: but what I gotta ax'is- are you getting any work done??
Unwell: i'd be line if i said i was
Cats: null work...zero efficiency.... all this punning is such an energy waster...
Cats: *that's more thermodynamics than math..*
Unwell: *as if we've been that specific...*
Unwell: not adhering to the rules has kept us on a perpetual motion of puns...
Cats: Watt? you don’t like specifics?
Cats: Darwin't there did you?
Cats: we've gotten into spi-physicics
Unwell: the blame is Newton me
Cats: I'm apple-d
Unwell: Y do we do this, its X-tremely late...
Cats: and we're not getting Z's anytime soon...
Unwell: we're such squares; we'd better do something to rectangle the whole situation.
Cats: bah, that's circular reasoning
Cats: we could triangulate another path of conversation...
Unwell: naw, i'd rather keep it within this radius
Cats: all this math punning makes me really want to go for a pent
Cats: wanna tri?
Cats: you could bi...
Cats: I have no money, I'm all oct
Unwell: i would ex-sept...
Cats: I should poly have non anyway- I said I'd quint after I passed out on the Quad
Unwell: i guess that would Trig-ger it...
Cats: but that was all back in my pre-fix days...now I just use crack
Unwell: you don't Mean that, do you? I can't see you acting in that Mode...
Cats: I tell ya, it costs a pretty sum...but my habit's about average...everyone's doing some'mean these days
Unwell: so you fall in the middle of the curve then...

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