Southern Charm. Chapter 1 Kerosene

Dec 12, 2011 16:09

Author: nothingreally13

Title: Southern Charm.

Pairing: Ville/Abbigail aka Abbie ofc

Rating: PG-M

Summary: This is what happen's when an ungrateful, big headed, not so modest, rock star stumbles upon a sweet little country girl who ain't to fond of his ways. But can she change him? And if she can will it take the easy way or her way.
‘You better be careful what you say It never really added up anyway I got friends in this town...' White Lair by Miranda Lambert

Disclaimer: I promise:: This is as real as me having six arms and ten legs with eight eyes and heads on my tongue(To be honest I suck at spelling sorry). And as far as I now it's illegal to own people in all 50 states including Mexico and Canada... So y'know! (:

A/N: I worte this cause of Miranda Lambert's song White Lair. And many other songs by her.

White Lair by Miranda Lambert
Hey white liar The truth comes out a little at a time And it spreads just like a fire Slips off of your tongue like turpentine And I don't know why, white liar
You better be careful what you do I wouldn't wanna be in your shoes If they ever found you out
You better be careful what you say It never really added up anyway I got friends in this town
Hey white liar The truth comes out a little at a time And it spreads just like a fire Slips off of your tongue like turpentine And I don't know why, white liar
You said you went out to a bar And walked some lady to her car But your face has more to tell
'Cause my cousin saw you on the street With a red head named Bernice Turns out you don't lie too well
Hey white liar Truth comes out a little at a time And it spreads just like a fire Slips off of your tongue like turpentine And I don't know why, white liar
Here's a bombshell just for you Turns out I've been lying too
Yeah, I'm a white liar Truth comes out a little at a time And it spreads just like a fire Slips off of my tongue like turpentine And I don't know why, white liar

Chapter 1: Kerosene

I stood in the middle of the drive to his house, I flicked my zippo closed when I finally got the cigarette to light. Damned thing. I had 5 gallons of gas, a wood house, two people inside, a cheater and a whore, and a zippo. Thank lord it ain't old faithful I plan on throwing and lightin' his sorry as up in flames. And needless say ain't no one gonna blame much less try and believe him if he said I did it. It's time to show what a little girl's made of.

I walk up the gravel drive way, now I'm crazy but I ain't no fool, like I'll set his house on fire, I should though. I look to the cure dogs, poor old Bow he looked damn lonely, don't forget my dog, I looked to the shed that held his new Ford f-150 and her Mustang and I smiled.

Pouring the gas around and in the shed, I walked back a little, lit the lighter, threw it, and walked away. Grabbing Bow. A smirk on face, but believe me, I didn't think twice about going to jail cause to a hammer everything looks like a nail. I got back in my old dodge and drove off, my miller was hot. So with a heavy sigh I stopped off at G's.

"Howdy Abbigail," Old Man Happy said with a smiled, Happy was my great uncle his wife Gloria worked the store, that's why it's called G's.
"Hey Uncle Happy. How's you this lovely evenin'," I asked politely respecting my elders just like Mama taught me, I sat the two six packs on the counter and grabbed one of them things so I wouldn't spill 'er," Afternoon Aunt Gloria."
My Aunt smiles," Now little Abbi how's you blow up this time."
I chuckle at my all to well knowing Aunt," Just Zach and his new girls shed, truck, and mustang."
"Now girlie, you drink like a grown man. Now behave you know you ain't gonna get in trouble here," My aunt and uncle wave to me as I got in my truck.

Sighing I looked over my dog Bow. Smiling I finally got my dog back.

"Ready to go home Bow," I questioned him as I scratched his ear.

He barked and I laughed.

+ + + +

"Now damnit Bow, fucking," I sighed and laughed I was covered now in head to toe in mud," I missed ya' Bow."

Getting up I walked over to the hose and rinsed off, I was walking back inside drying my hair when a fancy little car pulled up. Sighing wondering what the hell these people wanted and Bow went to barking.

"Bow hush," I whispered.

I took off my button down shirt, leaving my tank top on. I walked out to the car figuring who ever it was, was scared of Bow. I got up to the little green car. I tapped on the window, and lent down.

"Can I help you sir," I asked like I would anyone else to the man in the little car.
"Umm yea I was wondering if me and my could stop here till we could figure out what is wrong with our car. I'm Mige and this is Ville," Mige the big guy driving asked as the other, Ville, mumbled something.
Smiling," Sure you can stay the night if you'd like. I got the room and Bow don't bite. And its getting late. What was that, Ville? Sorry if I say it wrong not the easiest name to pronounce."
"Nothing, thank you. Mige the car is fine we can make it to a hotel," Ville grumbled.
"Well mister high class the offer will stand if you have to walk back," I smiled turning around.
"Wait, umm-"
"Abbigail, call me Abbi," I smirked.
"We'll stay," Mige smiled," Thank you Abbi."
Smiling I nodded," Now I'm gonna go put on some dry britches. Make ya' selves at home."


nothingreally13, genre:comedy, genre:life, ville/ofc, himfanfics, ect, genre:love, ville valo/fic, genre:drama, ville valo

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