
Sep 10, 2007 23:26

I've never been so in love with someone in all my life.
Not even Angelo.

He gets me...he really gets me. Out of all the boyfriends I've speed dated along, he is the only one I can see a life with...a real life, not going out and partying every night, but a real life. He makes me feel as special as I am. There are things about myself that I thought only I had figured out, but he knows them all and I've never felt this close to anyone ever. I can tell him anything and I hope he feels the same way about me.

It makes perfect sense that no one wants us to be together and why everyone talks so much shit. When you have something in your life that makes you TRULY happy, other people can't stand it. Good things are always ruined in my life but this is the one thing that will not be anyone, ever. I never want to hurt him and when I see him in pain, I'm in pain. I want him to be happy, completely happy and I will do anything to help him accomplish that. No one else in this world deserves to be happy more than he does. He has the most wonderful fucking spirit I have ever been around. I feel honored to be good enough for him because he treats me better than I've ever been treated.

It's amazing, it really is. I love to love him, I love to be with him, I love making him smile or just making his day just because I know that everyday I see him, my day is already made. Suddenly, the world became this perfect place to me. Not the people in it, but just the world. I want to do good and I want to learn and I want to accomplish everything I had lost sight of before he came back. He makes me a better person, and that is true love.

In Sociology, someone posed the question of "what is true love?". I just sat there, to myself, and smiled because no one will get it even if I tried to explain. I was meant to meet him, I know I was. I'm about to cry just thinking about it because I have all this love that I have been trying to give to all these people and he is the only one who sees it and appreciates it. I never thought I'd be in this fairy tale, or that I could mean so much to one person as much as  they mean to me.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I love Clint Moon.
Completely, entirely, absolutely, unmistakably.
I thought I knew what love was before Clint...

Boy, was I wrong.
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