Sep 23, 2005 11:59
In light of all the strange hoopla going on about the hurricanes recently i have a few words to say about media blitzing... Sensory overload causes callousness and apathy, hence showing me death destruction and the complete dessolution of societal fabric does not make me inclined to give over my blood and money to the red cross... It makes me bitch about gas prices and scream at politicians for letting this happen. It makes me look at the people who wish they could help with confusion. It makes me wonder what the fuck happend to stating a story and then allowing sympathy to be reated in moments that we can all see adn not making every second of every day that that moment in which all things happen. I mean i have no idea when this next one is to hit because for all i know it already did hit. it's a terrible build-up to nothing... there's no moment, there's no actual drama, there's nothing that we as viewers feel is making this seem like imminent death for us. For the rest of the Untied States we just look on and pass by the news as if it isn't even happening because they're telling us the same story again, but this time, it's 2 minutes later...