Challenge, February 2013: Ho Hey by the Lumineers

Jan 31, 2013 14:01

Our song for the month of February is "Ho Hey" by the Lumineers. You may know it from such greatest hits as SNL last week, half the commercials on TV, and Top 40 radio. Despite the bearded hipster-ness of their folk rock, admit it, you would still be embarrassed to listen to this song in front of someone from Brooklyn, much less to admit that you had it on repeat 1 as you sang along in the shower this morning. (You might worry about how much your neighbors can hear through the walls, because you can totally tell the guy upstairs has had a cough for like a week. But whatever, that is your neighbors' problem, fuck yeah, you listen to the songs you want!)

Yeah, I'm in my 30s now you guys, so you're going to get some songs basically from Volvo commercials. It's just going to happen.

Ho Hey, by The Lumineers

(Ho!) I've been trying to do it right
(Hey!) I've been living a lonely life
(Ho!) I've been sleeping here instead
(Hey!) I've been sleeping in my bed,
(Ho!) sleeping in my bed


(Ho!) So show me family
(Hey!) All the blood that I would bleed
(Ho!) I don't know where I belong
(Hey!) I don't know where I went wrong
(Ho!) But I can write a song

1, 2, 3
I belong with you, you belong with me, you're my sweetheart
I belong with you, you belong with me, you're my sweet


(Ho!) I don't think you're right for him
(Hey!) Look at what it might have been if you
(Ho!) Took a bus to China Town
(Hey!) I'd be standing on Canal
(Ho!) And Bowery
(Ho!) And she'd be standing next to me

1, 2, 3
I belong with you, you belong with me, you're my sweetheart
I belong with you, you belong with me, you're my sweetheart

Love - we need it now
Let's hope for some
So, we're bleeding out

I belong with you, you belong with me, you're my sweetheart
I belong with you, you belong with me, you're my sweet


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This year, nothing_hip is also introducing the optional feature of signing up to be entered into the Wall of Glory/Wall of Shame contest. Comment here at any time during the month saying you want to do it, and then if by March 1 you have completed a fic and posted it to the community, you are a fucking champion who will be put on the Wall of Glory. If you turn out to be a wretch who can't meet even the SMALLEST OF COMMITMENTS (the minimum length requirement for fics in this community is 100 words, you pathetic sad sack) and don't post a fic, you will be put on the Wall of Shame for February. March will start a whole new contest and new walls of shame and glory!

(Bonus features: if you post MORE THAN ONE fic in February, like some kind of horrific overachiever whose guts I already hate, you will be put on the Wall of SUPER GLORY. You will also get SUPER GLORY if you write a fic that's more than 10,000 words long. Also you can take yourself off the February Wall of Shame if you post a fic late, I'm not a monster.)

(Also I will probably make the Wall of Glory and the Wall of Shame a sticky post, so your shame/glory will be seen by LITERALLY DOZENS.)

2013, challenge: ho hey, lyrics

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