2013, we're coming for you.

Jan 30, 2013 11:33

This is just a notice that nothing_hip is getting a revival! I think we are going to go one challenge a month this time, so we have time to finish stuff. So your first challenge will be posted here on February 1!

(Reminder how this works: a non-hip song will be posted to the community as a prompt. You then write any fic you want, inspired by the song. You can post fics whenever, you can finish old stuff you've been working on, and old challenges are always active if you want to write to one of the previous songs! Which, if any of those old links are dead, just leave me a comment and I'll reupload.)

I'm also trying to think of ways to motivate us even more -- I really want to use this challenge to finish fic I've been working on. So I was thinking of possibly giving people the option to sign up to be held accountable? SO at the beginning of the month when the song is posted, you can comment to that post if you want to commit to writing for that challenge -- then at the end of the month, I will post a Wall of Glory with all the people who completed the challenge like goddamn heroes, and a Wall of Shame of the people who failed miserably like fucking jerks.

Obviously it would be totally optional to sign up to be shamed if you don't post a fic, but the option is there. ALSO IF ANYBODY HAS OTHER MOTIVATIONAL IDEAS LET'S TALK ABOUT THEM -- like, maybe it'd be nice to have prizes for people who succeed or something but I don't think I have the time myself to follow through on anything there. But yeah, brainstorm your fic motivation ideas here, what gets you writing?

ALSO if you want to suggest songs, comment here and I can put them on a list to be used at my discretion. What IS your favorite Katy Perry song, is what I am asking you.

2013, mod post

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