(no subject)

Sep 29, 2007 17:14

Who: Angelina Johnson and Percy Weasley.
Where: The Ministry.
When: September 29, 2001
Status: Complete

Angelina was nervous. More than nervous, actually. Here she was, riding the lift in the bleeding Ministry, on her way to an interview that looked like a good idea but could've been a exceptionally concealed bad one. Angelina closed her eyes, taking a deep breath as the elevator stopped and got off.

"Buck up, Johnson. This'll be a breeze." she murmured under her breath as she searched for the room she was told to come to. And then, afterwards, she'd have to find Percy, pass him the message from Ginny. She could practically feel it burning a hole in her palm as she held it tightly in her hand, though she was sure that was just her imagination in overdrive.

Finally, though the moment couldn't have come any sooner, she found herself at the door. She took another deep breath, silently telling herself that she wouldn't have a problem, and knocked, not wanting to open the door for fear of a strike against her.

percy weasley, angelina johnson, complete

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