I really should be packing as I have to get up at stupid o'clock tomorrow morning and my bed is currently covered with 3 weeks worth of clothes that unfortunately aren't going to stuff themselves into a very small bag. But yay! Tomorrow I'm going to see Steve and be all relationshippy, which despite recent random angsting on my part I am actually looking forward to, and then on Wednesday it's back to Oxford for a couple of days before
rhymeoverreason and I go to Brussels. Is anyone around and up for doing something, anything at all, but preferably involving conversation and/or drink? I have been starved of human company (well, the family have been vaguely present, but I said human...) for far too long!
Oh dear. I'm too hyper to pack and far too hyper to sleep. This is going to be an unproductive night. But I repeat: Yay!