Jun 13, 2004 12:40
quote of the day:
"bite, bite, bite, bite, bite..." -elijah, my little nephew who likes to eat other people's food.
i am so tired right now, but i'm excited to be on the puter because our blue e got struck by lightning and wouldn't make internet. k, that's not really what happened, but my thinking is pretty primitive, so that's how i figure it happened. but, we are up and running now so let the war craft begin.
this weekend was really nice. my sister bethann and her husband dan came home for the weekend because dan was in a wedding. it was nice to see them and we hung out with them for a bit on friday. then we went to grandville for heather's little sister's graduation open house and there was chinese food and chocolate covered strawberries there. which pretty much guarentees a good time.
saturday was my birthday so a bunch of us went for a picnic. erin, heather, blystra, tom and i... plus my friends lisa and toddy came in from chicago, so it was awesome to have a bunch of us together again. after that, tom and i hung out and ate bad mexican food at a dumb restraunt. then i had a truffle. so, it ended good. then tom gave me the best foot massage ever and then we hung out with bethann and dan again. so, it was a good day even though i'm getting old. but being a year older didn't make me feel old... getting a babysitter so tom and i could go on a date was what made me feel old. oh my.
well, we are in michigan for two and a half more weeks then it's PA. i'm getting sad and overwhelmed b/c we have so much crap to do before we go. we have way more stuff than we will have room for. and canceling my garage sale extravaganza didn't help that any. so, if anyone is in the market for lady jeans or picture frames... give me a call. otherwise, goodwill is gonna inherit some real treasures. going once, going twice...