Aug 05, 2010 03:11
- 00:09:57: Bwahahahahaha the woman in the restaurant wanted to hit on Mac! #csiny
- 00:11:00: Awww Mac, she just thinks you're cute. #csiny
- 00:29:55: Oh, it's Evil Simon from Burn Notice. #csiny
- 00:56:24: Aw, Stella is all purty. #csiny
- 00:57:40: Aw. Is Mac actually gonna go hang out with that woman? #csiny
- 00:57:51: I love Stella and Mac. BFFs. #csiny
- 00:59:20: :D #csiny
- 11:03:14: Dear kittens, please stop trying to attack each other while the other one is trying to poo.
- 11:03:29: Similarly, there is no need to fling litter all over the litter box when covering up your poo
- 11:03:43: ...because some of it inevitably ends up OUTSIDE the litter box.
- 11:10:09: @ rubinia Yes, it is true.
- 17:15:03: YAY!!! RT @notasecretagent: Goodbye, Prop 8!!
- 17:16:32: @ jpetroroy I love it! Buffy 4eva
- 18:00:36: Oliver is running around going MEEEEEW! like a crisis is happening. #sillycat
- 19:33:51: Cmon yall, VOTE VOTE VOTE!
- 19:55:49: I'm so going to see what Maddow has to say today.
- 20:01:03: "In general when you have a majority rules vote on minority rights... you get results like we've seen with the gay marriage vote."
- 20:01:15: "But rights aren't really supposed to be voted on, that's why they're called rights." #maddow
- 21:01:39: "So are broad shoulders, but that doesn't mean I want to wait for them." That doesn't even make sense! #psych
- 21:03:43: Haha, "the ken dolls!" #psych
- 21:05:08: I miss the long theme song. #psych
- 21:10:55: Now Shawn is wearing a sweet chambray shirt. I approve. #psych
- 21:50:17: Naphthalene?? #psych
- 22:40:14: Am I the only one who always gets O-Town and O-Zone mixed up?
- 22:51:43: Oliver is fascinated by YouTube. I will try playing cat videos.
- 23:13:33: Aww Ollie-bear, why are you still sneezy? Don't you know you have to get better to be adopted? :(
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