Aug 04, 2010 03:11
- 00:06:31: @ katelinnea It was 1998. There was none of this "email" you speak of. (OK, there was.)
- 00:14:56: @ katelinnea Me too! Everyone had AOL. But TV shows never get the internet right, they usually get it COMICALLY WRONG.
- 00:18:50: A quarter! Hot diggety dog, now I can do moar laundry. #MOAR
- 00:19:33: Also is it just me or is there all kinds of stuff on the backs of pennies now?
- 00:20:47: Aw, Oliver just climbed to the top of his cage and couldn't get down. #meeew
- 00:22:23: @ katelinnea Gossip Girl is ALL ABOUT the internets. Surveillance culture! Jacob's recaps!
- 00:22:44: Cats: Great at up. Not so great at down.
- 00:24:31: @ katelinnea Yes, we are the founders of the We Love Jacob fan club.
- 00:27:21: Oliver is starting to REALLY hate going in the cage for the night. Don't worry Ollie, you'll have a whole place of your own soon.
- 00:27:53: He actually clung to the bars of the cage as I tried to put him inside. NOOO YOU CAN'T MAKE MEEEE
- 00:30:31: @ katelinnea Hee, Gail!
- 01:05:31: Aw, I have two happy, sleeping kittens. Job for day: done.
- 14:02:40: Hit head on counter at work. Oww.
- 20:02:29: Awww, he has a crush!! #whitecollar
- 20:03:12: Not only a crush, he has a crush APPOINTMENT! #whitecollar
- 20:04:14: "What are you doing in a federal building dressed like Truman Capote?" #whitecollar
- 20:05:10: "Don't get near me." Hee! #whitecollar
- 20:11:01: Aww, poor Mozzie, always the quirky friend. #whitecollar
- 20:17:15: Haha, Neal is like THANKS FOR BLOWING MY COVER, GUISE. #whitecollar
- 20:22:29: Why are they all saying "per-MITS" instead of "PER-mits"? #whitecollar
- 20:37:36: Ahahaha, the open shirt is a nice touch. #whitecollar
- 20:38:22: @ LizLovesSVU He's apparently from upstate NY, which could be considered nearly Canadian.
- 20:38:56: Ho-tel, mo-tel, holiday inn... #whitecollar
- 20:39:42: @ notasecretagent Wasps are fucked up.
- 20:45:35: On page 133 of 288 of Bad Astronomy: He keeps saying "solar eclipses are rare." T...
- 20:46:50: Which book is that? #whitecollar
- 20:48:05: Wow, apparently Mozzie DOES have perfect recall. #whitecollar
- 20:49:05: I really love Neal's house. #whitecollar
- 20:49:32: Mozzie has seen "The Princess Bride" way too many times. #whitecollar
- 20:53:24: On page 133 of 288 of Bad Astronomy: For example, the most recent solar eclipse was only vi...
- 20:53:37: @ SnarkysMachine Bwahahaha
- 20:54:42: @ bryn_elizabeth He just keeps switching the mugs back and forth. "I can clearly not choose the wine in front of me!" etc.
- 20:58:03: @ cleolinda The ways of tumblr are mysterious.
- 20:58:55: Bawwwww. #whitecollar
- 20:59:53: That was a great episode. #whitecollar
- 21:00:26: Covert Affairs time! #covertaffairs
- 21:01:29: Awww, Annie thinks Auggie is cute!! #covertaffairs #ship
- 21:02:54: "[intriguing music]" still cracks me up. #covertaffairs #closedcaptions
- 21:03:43: People who never watch with closed captions are missing some unintentional comedy.
- 21:08:31: SQUEE #covertaffairs
- 21:11:01: RT @bryn_elizabeth: "It's hard to figure out who's on my team." "I am, okay. I'm on your team." AWWWW. #CovertAffairs
- 21:19:54: I love the look on Annie's face when he says "shack up." #covertaffairs
- 21:22:37: @ bryn_elizabeth Hahaha.
- 21:28:21: "Neshama" means "spirit", "soul" or "breath" apparently. #covertaffairs
- 21:33:01: @ bryn_elizabeth I love them.
- 21:33:37: I kind of really hate Joan and whatshisface. We get it, your marriage sucks. #covertaffairs
- 21:34:33: IMPRACTICAL SHOES #covertaffairs
- 21:35:39: August, hee. #covertaffairs
- 21:38:07: BEST. CODE NAME. EVAR. #covertaffairs
- 21:40:07: @ bryn_elizabeth Pretty Woman is highly enjoyable.
- 21:40:24: Seriously, best code name evar. #covertaffairs
- 21:42:21: I know it's a place, but I prefer to think they named her after the font. #covertaffairs
- 21:48:07: Annie is like "EYEROLL SO HARD" #covertaffairs
- 21:57:43: @ notasecretagent I like anything by the Supremes, including "Where Did Our Love Go" and "You Can't Hurry Love."
- 21:58:32: @ notasecretagent Temptations "Ain't Too Proud to Beg"
- 22:05:06: Yeah, I'm sure undocumented immigrants never love their kids. #dailyshow
- 22:14:12: @ cleolinda What do you hate about i?
- 22:14:17: @ cleolinda ....t
- 22:35:49: @ katelinnea Eric Balfour is in everything.
- 22:36:08: @ katelinnea I kind of want it to be the matchbox twenty Rob Thomas.
- 22:44:29: Haha, Oliver keeps biting on the cord to the blinds, and trying to carry it away from the window. He seems confused that it won't leave.
- 23:44:34: @ annaham Congrats!
Tweets copied by
the daily show,
covert affairs,
foster kittens,
white collar