Title: Numbers
Rating: K+
Summary: Sanghyun loves numbers.
Pairing: Slight Joon/Cheondoong/Mir - Cheondoong-centric
Disclaimer: Don't own the boys, only the plot.
Author's note: A little something I came up with. Comments are nice!
Unbeknownst to many, Sanghyun likes counting. )
You really have a way with endings
You flatter me so. I'm actually really bad at them, and I think I had to rewrite the ending a few times just to get it right. Glad you liked it though!
And lastly, as a huge thank you:
I'll try to write them down this weekend and let you know, then? I've been off writing for quite sometime, I just don't know how to start again.
Don't stooooooop~ we need more of your stories. /clings
Anyhow *sniff* I'm very particular with endings because I feel that if a story is a circle, this is the single point that completes the the shape. So when I write, I have to rewrite several times the ending just to make it 'sound right'. So I'm glad to know I'm not alone. Keep up the great work!
Looking forward to your fic!!! All da best (:
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