Title: MBLAQ 30 Drabbles Challenge
Rating: K+
Drabbles: 11 - 15
Disclaimer: Own nothing but the plot.
Author's note: For the
30 Drabbles Challenge. 11 Prank.
100 words.
"Come on hyung!"
"It'll be fun!"
There is a sudden silence after ten minutes or so of whining that causes Seungho to turn around, a little worried that the maknae had indeed gone through with his plan. All he finds, however, is a pouting little boy sitting with his arms crossed on the sofa in their dressing room. Seungho feels a smile making its way to his lips, as much as he tries not to. Cheolyong sticks out his tongue at the leader, just as their target walks past the "danger zone" right at that moment.
12 Song.
100 words.
The lights are turned on in the practice room, and Byunghee could hear music coming from the open door. Of course, he shouldn't have been the least bit surprised to find Seungho still playing the piano.
"Yah, what are you doing?"
Seungho jumps in his seat and slams his book close. Looking away, he feels the other man glare once more at him, before shrugging his shoulders and grabbing his stuff.
"Don't stay in too late, get some rest."
(On his birthday, Byunghee finds a score tied up with a blue ribbon, a small note attached to it.
Yah, happy birthday.)
13 Smell.
100 words.
Cheolyong has a whole drawer full of Changsun's things. He keeps them, and labels them with deliberate care (date, occasion, location, time). He never tells anyone that when Changsun isn't around, he sprays his cologne on his bolster, and pretends that he is hugging the older boy to sleep. The members never question when Cheolyong forces Sanghyun to use Changsun's shampoo, finding Cheolyong in said boy's bed the next morning. Sometimes, they find him curled up in Changsun's bed on a cold night because it smells like the real him, the one without the stardom and the fame, my Changsun.
14 No More Alcohol.
100 words.
"Ohhhh hyung, you are pretty," Sanghyun coos at a relatively pissed Byunghee.
But then again, it had been his own fault for forcing the younger boy to down the liquor. Byunghee supports him, tripping over a step and staining his performing clothes ("God Sanghyun, you are so cleaning it up for me when you are sober.") in the process. They finally reach the dorm and Byunghee wastes no time in dumping the younger man onto the couch. Just as he is about to leave, he hears a soft whimper.
"Hyuu-ung. Stay?"
Byunghee ends up sleeping on the floor that night.
15 The Four Times MBLAQ Thinks Lee Joon-sshi Isn't Lovely, and the One Time They Think He is.
100 words.
He's acting cute again, and Seungho's rainclouds grow darker.
"Hyung! Was I good?" Lee Joon asks.
He just walks away.
Those stupid abs, Sanghyun thinks, throwing Lee Joon a glare. He pouts, but Sanghyun turns his attention to the MC.
Lee Joon is flirting with another celebrity and Byunghee shivers.
"Joon since when did you do that?"
"You-- no-- I--"
"I did well."
"No, that was stupid."
Lee Joon hits Cheolyong playfully on the arm as he changes the channel.
"Hey, you okay?"
Changsun just grins and pull them into a hug.
"I love you guys."
Deep down, they know.