To my baby girl...

Jan 07, 2010 22:53

Darling Sleepyeyes ( Read more... )

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Comments 24

firehauke January 8 2010, 07:09:58 UTC
she's very pretty. good luck finding her forever home!


catalytic_kali January 8 2010, 07:11:57 UTC
Thank you! She's normally very sweet, but is probably going to hate me for awhile.


fawatson January 8 2010, 08:34:03 UTC
Miserable for her now but she will feel better soon.


catalytic_kali January 8 2010, 16:54:23 UTC
I hope so... she's off recuperating in a place of her choice now. Apparently the raccoon (Bandit) found her and Fluff's food and irritated her, plus I'm sure my checking on her didn't help. Ferals are so different when it comes to not feeling well. My domestics are wussy little things.... the ferals are more like "leave me alone, I'll do it myself." :)


chaosdancer January 8 2010, 09:18:10 UTC
Where are you located? I have a chronically ill kitty who may not live much longer, and my other cat (not much more than a kitten, really) will be so lonely without someone to play with. I'm in Kentucky - are you guys far away?

She really is beautiful...she reminds me of my Phoenix, that I lost ten years ago. Amazingly patterned!


catalytic_kali January 8 2010, 16:55:51 UTC
Awwww.... Sleepyeyes and I are in Southern California. She is still mostly feral, but I'm hoping I can get her to trust me again once she feels better. I think she's absolutely gorgeous, too. :)


_magicsocks January 8 2010, 18:01:49 UTC
She is beautiful. My little Nermal Bug hated me when I got her fixed. She wouldn't let me pet her for a few days. I wish you could keep her. Good luck on finding her a good home.


catalytic_kali January 8 2010, 18:07:53 UTC
Awwww, you have a Nermal! How cute! :) Yes, Sleepyeyes wants me to get fixed now, too, which I wouldn't mind in the slightest, but the vet said no. She's mostly feral and has reverted to fully feral and pissed the eff off for now, so once her 24 hours of confinement were up (ok, more like 36 'cause she was sleepy), she decided to go off and heal on her own. So don't blame her, I don't like people around when I'm in pain or not feeling good, either... plus Bandit, the neighborhood raccoon, found the dry food just outside her nappy place (kennel) last night of all nights.... he's cool, but *very large* and not the quietest animal.

Thank you! I'm hoping someone with experience with ferals and semi-ferals will fall in love with her, though I think it's going to be awhile before she trusts me enough to get close to her again. Until then... all I can do is keep fresh water and food out and tempt her with the gooshyfood. :)


_magicsocks January 8 2010, 18:19:40 UTC
LOL I am sure Nermal was thinking of other plans for me when I took her. But it was a have to case ya know. But she didn't think so. And let me know about it by shaking her carrier many times while walking in with her. I swear you would have thought there were at least 2 cats in there.

Well some don't know how to deal with a farel cat. I have one right now. Little Miss Sassy Britches in fact. She always looks at me like I'm crazy with her wild looking eyes. I can't even get near her but she knows where the food is and who supplies. We brought her when she was really little. I think after a few bribes with the gooshyfood she will come around. :) Good luck sweetie.


catalytic_kali January 8 2010, 18:30:18 UTC
lol.... Sleepyeyes did *not* like the carrier, either. I worked with her for 3 years, with several escapes from traps and carriers, before I finally just picked her up (sort of in fear for my face) and put her in the kennel that she'd been sleeping in for a couple of weeks. She still made a break for it when the door was halfway closed, but thank goodness for ferals responding to being held by the scruff of their necks! She also bolted after surgery, still full of drugs and could barely hold her head up, but I guess an adrenaline rush came over her. Once again, scruff of the neck. And a not *too* badly mangled right hand. :)

Thank you and good luck to you as well! Cats are smart, luckily, they know when they have it good, even if it takes endless amounts of patience on our part and what feels like a horrible betrayal of trust on theirs... I'm sure Little Miss Sassy Britches will come around, too. (Love the name, BTW.) /crossing fingers :)


hazelwitch January 8 2010, 22:48:19 UTC
I'm adding my best wishes for finding her a forever home! She's beautiful, and I like that she's a fighter--spirited suits her. :) Seriously, congrats to you for taking the time to reach her and getting her spayed, and I hope she finds a lovely place to settle down and be worshipped. ;)


catalytic_kali January 8 2010, 23:14:07 UTC
Thank you from both of us. :) Oh, yes, she definitely needs to be worshiped. She's a tough little girl... I like that, too. I love all the ferals' personalities... and my domestics, who earned their names - Tweak and Pyro. Very, very interesting animals find their way to my family and me. :)


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