Sep 19, 2021 14:40
Talk about a slap in the chops. I was investigating a new virtual pipe organ software product called Great Organ from Digital VPO in the U.K. The software seemed to be only available for Windows so I sent a message to inquire if it would or is available for Linux.
Subject: Ordering, demos, etc.
I am curious if Great Organ is available for Linux or is it only available for Windoze?
Thank you,
Tom Langley
La Center, Washington U.S.
This is what was sent back to me:
There is a linux version in final stages of development but really if you are that negative about windows perhaps you ought to go elsewhere. We are only interested in supporting genuine organists.
We use the best technology for the job in hand. That is windows 10 for a VPO, and by a country mile. We are only supporting linux when it suits us and it is stable enough.
The linux version is in testing but I'm not going to release it until I'm satisfied linux is as stable a platform as windows 10, which it is not right now. Latest ubuntu for example is as flakey as hell. Very disappointing.
I would normally explain why, but I cannot be bothered engaging with people who are massively fanatical about anything non windows and use terms such as windoze. We can support mac too but wont be bothering with that market at all.
Linux isnt as stable. Great for web servers but it has a long long way to catch up as a professional software platform.
Suggest you drop the sarcasm or go somewhere else. When the cross platform version is released we will be increasing the cost of the software too, which is currently a bargain. A genuine organ fan wouldn't care what operating system is used and I have no time for this childish factional nonsense from non technical people who think they know better.
They wouldn't come out with childish labels if they did.
Sent from my Galaxy
His beef seems to be in my use of the word Windoze which he read into far too deeply and took offense. Of may have been offended by the use of the word Linux. The supliers of Hauptwerk reacted the same way. Not the way to respond to a potential PAYING customer just because you perceived your toes got stepped on. While I sincerely would have like to try it out, at my age I am over dealing with high maintenance, dare I say it, bitchy people. Sorry chippy, no sale.
My reply: Thomas Langley
2:34 PM (0 minutes ago)
to support
I think you should go back and read what I said. I often use alternate or amusing spellings for common product names. There was nothing insulting intended or offered. I think you may have been a bit overzealous in your reaction. I use the 'Big 3' operating systems on a regular basis but prefer Linux when it is appropriate. Attacking my experience was uncalled for when you have no idea of my background. Clue, you are dead wrong. Lashing out at me the way you did tells me that you have either been working stressful hours and are at the end of your rope, to which I say take care of yourself OR you are a petulant child, which is what I think may be the case. To this my comment is be careful to whom you speak because you may piss off the wrong person.
BTW, this was posted to a virtual pipe organ forum as a caution for the members.