Dear everyone who hasn't been on LJ yet since my last post,
I am alive and (relatively) well, sitting on the couch at home.
Dear everyone who has seen my previous post, specifically my "Real Life" friends who were half-way in the car after the first paragraph.
I'm sorry. My bad.
The previous post is a work of fiction for LJ Idol that
dawny_darko convinced me to post without the usual title/header link because it would be more dramatic this way if the audience was uncertain.
Turns out she was right, and I sent a whole bunch of people into a bit of a panic.
I apologize.
I thought it was a good story. I've had a peculiar itch for fiction and I've been wanting to kill a protagonist in First Person without breaking the internal consistency of the story or having the (generally glaringly obvious) "surprise reveal" being "and by the way, I've been a ghost through this whole telling. Boo!"
It wasn't meant (specifically) to rile anyone up, it's just a story I've been wanting to tell and the (double) prompts for this week fit it perfectly.
So, um, how about that local sports team?
(Besides, you know a post like that would have been made to FaceButt rather than LJ if it were real. ;) )