(no subject)

Jun 22, 2004 11:01

Today's my first day off in a while, and it's the day Bill Clinton's book debuts. I'd actually LIKE to be working today. Oh well.

Had a discussion with the Assistant Manager on...um...Sunday, we'll say. Or Saturday. But anyway, we were talking about an article I read in the newspaper a few weeks ago about an NFL player (St. Louis Rams' Leonard Little) that got busted recently for drunk driving. Not a big deal, right?

Yeah, it is.

In 1998, the same player was driving drunk, except instead of being harmlessly pulled over, he ran over and killed a single, working mother. The article written recently was an interview with her now-15-year-old son and how he remembers her on Memorial day.

He subsequently did 90 days in prison.


The mind reels. This was not an accidental death. This was not self-defense. This is not a man that was driving, then looked in the back seat for something, and when he turned around, there was no time to stop himself.


He was ALREADY COMMITTING A CRIME. And THEN, on TOP of already committing a CRIME, he KILLED someone.

And went to jail for NINETY DAYS.

That's fucking insane. That is absolutely disgusting. Drunk driving is the absolute most disgusting thing a person can do. The statistics for drunk driving deaths and injuries are INSANE, but there will always be a huge faction of absolute fucking pigstickers that think they can drive impaired (let's not forget, driving under the influence means under the influence of anything). Anyone...ANYONE...that EVEr drives impaired for ANY reasons deserve...I don't know. I want to say they all DESERVE to hit a young girl and kill her so they have to live with themselves, but that's not right to the family of the the girl, and obviously, at least in this NFL case, it won't stop them.

What are the penalties? My mom is in Detox for Oxycontin and alcohol right now, but in recent years she's racked up a ton of DUIs (by "ton", I mean, like, 3, but that's 3 too many), but they never stopped her from driving.

I propose this:

If you are ever caught driving impaired, your license should be suspended for 6 months and you should be enrolled by the authorities in A.A. While your license is suspended, your car should be confiscated for the length of the suspension. A suspended license does not stop people from driving. But not having a car will.

I just...can't fathom it.

This guy ENDED SOMEONE'S LIFE. They won't get better. It is the single worst thing you can do to someone. If you beat someone, they can get better. If you abuse someone, they can get better. If you fucking kill them, then it's game over. They are never ever ever ever ever coming back.

And you do NINETY DAYS?


If you drive under the influence...nope. You're just garbage. You're worthless to me. You've evaluated the lives of everyone else on the road vs. your petty desire to be someplace different than where you are, and you decided your desire to be somewhere is better. Well fuck you.

Maybe you'll kill someone.

And do 90 days in prison.

...That's garbage.

There's a difference between Murder and Killing For Self-Defense, or Accidental Manslaughter.

But if you kill someone while driving impaired? Nope. That's murder. You know the risk. You accepted it. You should get 20 years. Have a nice life.

Whew. I've had a lot of rants lately. And I haven't been a hardcore LJ-er in over a year. I remember when I used to do that shit all the time.

Stacey and I celebrated our 1-Year-Since-We-Met occurrance. I was actually at work. And then we had a fight. Heh. But we're all happy.

I've been staying at her house the last week or so. I should go back home eventually. It just feels weird here. Like we are together at night, but that's it (because we work). I like being with her. I just...hum...still miss her. And we don't do enough together. I'm too idealistic. I thought if we were together more, we'd do fun stuff ALL THE TIME. No. We mostly watch Letterman and sleep. Sigh. I am extraordinarily happy to be with her all the time. I just imagined we'd actually have more time to be together and do couple-y things. It kinda stinks. But we have a Date Night tonight!!! So we'll go do something couple-y and fun. I just want Date Night every night. She's awesome.

I'm also very bland and I can never think of anything fun to do, anyway. What is there to do besides Putt-Putt and movies? Hummm. I never know. We need to get together with her friends and my friends more often. Okay, I'm lying, I actually don't have any friends left. They all moved away or turned into jerks. Although I've been talking to O'Toole and Tim more often.

We never play Yu-Gi-Oh cards anymore. Ever. I always want to. I love that game. I love getting cards. I love building my deck. I love talking about it with Yugi-Boy. But Stacey really doesn't like it anymore. She NEVER brings it up, and if I do, she says no.

Sigh. I look at my deck box. Now I am saddened.

Longest entry EVAR.

philosophy, stacey

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