Apr 11, 2009 00:48
Man, either last entry REALLY sucked, or my lack of being on LJ all that much of late has REALLY caught up to me, because my last entry garnered all of one comment, AND someone de-friended me after I posted it. I was really kind of proud of it, too; it had made me laugh. But I have been a really bad LJ friend, so I guess I get what I pay for. At least I've gotten a few ideas conceptualized for my writing. We'll see how that goes.
I did renew my subscription for my Userpics today, though, so I'm not going anywhere. Probably just going to stay dropped down to one or two entries a week, and only checking the flist sporadically to see what catches my eye. Just...still trying to get more done in the I-R-L. I haven't felt awful about not being around here, but I do miss everyone.
I did end up going to see the doctor. I called today at 9 to make an appointment, and they had an opening at 10; I was kind of surprised it was so easy to get in on a Friday with such little warning--I figured Friday would be the day people want to take Personal Days to do that kind of stuff--but it was really pleasant. The doc was really unconcerned with my foot rash, even though it had gotten infected since my last post here. She swears that the cream she prescribed me will kick its ass in fairly short order, so I'm thrilled with that; it looked really bad today. If this hold true, it will be super nice to get rid of the incessant itching and obnoxious sensation that I have been dealing with.
Also, she gave me antibiotics for the infection, which makes my life. I would take antibiotics every single day if I could...I hate biotics so much; I want to anti the hell out of them. I don't want to have bacteria, so why can't I buy antibiotics like vitamins and just take one every day? They aren't narcotic or anything. I just want to kill all the germs. Well, whatever, because I have some now! Zvarri!
Having a really king-of saddening night past that; Kathleen and I have been doing some talking about what's going on this summer. I've never mentioned it here, but last month, she got accepted for this exclusive internship in Germany, so she will be there from mid-May until mid-August. Now, we aren't talking anything really bad...just figuring out how we can talk, when we can talk...those kinds of things. I guess we won't be able to phone, so it's going to be all emails and IM and webcam--when I get a webcam, anyway, probably the week before she leaves. I am really happy for her that she got in, but I was running some math...we started dating in mid-February...by the time she comes back from Germany, we'll have spent equal halves of our relationship together, and on separate continents; we'll only have been dating for 3 months when she leaves, and she is there for 3 months.
We'll see how it goes; I'm not any kind of "out of sight, out of mind" guy where the thought of her being gone for 3 months is going to make me whatever, but the whole idea is just disheartening. Three months is a long time, and a 6 hour time difference can be a big one, especially since I'll be working, and she'll be internshipping for so much of our days.
On top of that, my best friend is...not, anymore, I guess. It's a whole thing I don't want to go into, but I've suddenly just become such a terrible burden to ever talk to for some people, and I don't like feeling like that, so... I dunno. It feels like I should follow that up with some kind of statement, but I don't have anything. I went from being really close to someone, and a big part of their life, to just some kind of nuisance to be ignored.
Busy day of doing nothing tomorrow! Better get jumpin' on my sleep.