(no subject)

Sep 09, 2008 23:19

I am really conflicted right now. It's 11:30pm. I kind of want to run out to Wal-Mart (I am low on snacks and completely out of cans of diet root beer and diet twist up for lunch), but I can't bring myself to do it. I don't have to wake up for a while yet, but....I dunno. We shall see. I do loves me some late night Wal-Marting.

Has anybody else seen these? This weekend, I saw a handful of commercials for high fructose corn syrup. I'm not kidding; they are commercials with two people doing their thing, and the one gets all condescending to the other when they see them start to eat/drink something sugary and full of HFCS. Well the HFCS advocate starts saying all this stuff in return ("it's made from corn!"), and the commercial ends basically saying "High Fructose Corn Syrup...it won't kill you, so STFU". Well, not that exactly. Close.

This is...odd to me.

Like...I never saw any commercials for unhealthy ingredients before. I've seen unhealthy foods try to hype themselves up, but never anything for a base ingredient. Like a few years ago when everything was Atkins and South Beach, I never saw any Pro-Carbohydrates group come out with advertisements.

Billy: Jean! I can't believe you're about to eat carbs! Why not help yourself to some delicious bacon?

Jean: Oh Billy, you ass. Dr. Atkins died. He DIED, Billy. WHERE IS YOUR BACON GOD NOW? If he was full of life-sustaining bread, he could have survived that fall.

Billy: Oh snap! Infallible argument! Pass the pasta, Jean!

Jean: *winks at camera*

Years before that, you never saw any commercials for fat.

Father: Timmy, why are you cutting the fat off your steak?

Timmy: Dad! Fat will clog your arteries and kill you!

Father: Pshaw! Fat is the cat's pajamas. What makes you think it could be bad for you?

Timmy: ...it's called FAT.

Father: That's a coincidence.

All right, I really didn't have a good ending to that one. I got kind of stuck after the "It's called fat" line. That was really all I had.

(I think that is the first time I've ever admitted my meandering on was actually geared to strike a laugh line, and that makes it all SUBSTANTIALLY LESS FUNNY, right?)

Anyway, I saw about a dozen of these high fructose corn syrup ads this weekend, but none since. How will I know what to eat that I shouldn't eat?

Have you ever seen the movie Good Luck Chuck?

Well I haven't. God, that looked abysmal.

(I really hate Firefox with all of my being because I had NO IDEA how many words in my life I used to spell incorrectly. Abysmal now? Really? Only one S? All right)

Anyway, I've never seen GLC, but I know the premise is that Dane Cook plays a guy who sees all of his exes go on to get engaged/married to the very next guy I date. Right? Or am I making that up?

Irregardless (which isn't a word), THIS IS SUDDENLY MY LIFE.

My last THREE exes are now all either engaged, getting engaged, or married (I am assuming that Stacey is one of the three, just because she's been dating the same guy for the last however-long-since-we-broke-up, and that ring was really a core entity to her existence even when she was dating my sorry loser ass). That's terrifying to me. I mean...out of my exes, just about all of them are either MARRIED NOW (including the girl I was dating as recently as LAST NOVEMBER), ENGAGED NOW, or GOING TO BE ENGAGED in the not too distant future. And, like I said, the last three all did it with the very next guy they dated. How terrifying. I'm not even sure why, but it is. I guess it is for various levels, depending on which ex we are talking about. Yeah, it's not really a one-size-fits-all proposition. The reason is terrifies me in regards to Stacey is not the same as to Cassie is not the same as to Chrys. It creates...ponderification? Or something else?

Check this out: Remember last entry where I lamented how I am too shy to ask my friends (in this case, Kara and Laura from work) for ways to get a hold of them so we can hang out? At work Monday, I was getting my man-purse and readying to leave when I came upon Kara and Laura in the breakroom (Kara was working, Laura was just dropping by) talking about going out Friday night after work. Well I was getting my things after I said hi, and I overheard and said "Oh, I see. Not inviting me, huh? I see how it is". So they went all "We didn't even think you'd like to go! Of course you can come!" and they ended up talking me into it when I insisted I was just joking.

So now I'm going out to a bar after work on Friday. *facepalm*

Rob. Bar. This is made of epic fail. I'm sure bars serve, like, real food and beverages, though. I'll try to amuse myself. I guess Kara was saying she doesn't know any of Laura's friends, either, so I won't be the only one unfamiliar. That's nice. But still..... Rob. Bar. HILARIOUS.

It was just amusing to me that it happened the day after I lamented my shyness to even my friends (and those two in particular) in here. And I apparently have no shame to just invite myself places.

Sup, longest entry ever? I'M NOT DONE YET. You guys better comment EN MASSE. I'm not doing this instead of going to Wal-Mart for my HEALTH.

So I got my applications for absentee ballots in the mail, and as am a registered Republican, they came with a nice message from John McCain.


The message started off talking about his time as a prisoner of war in Vietnam, and how he was tortured and humiliated and abused. It talks about his hardships and how unfairly he was treated, and then it turns in a paragraph where I can tell he's going to talk about what the situation made him realize.

At this point, I'm expect this message to say, "So that's why I favor renewed interrogation techniques that don't torture potentially innocent people for false information". Or at least "So this is why I support our troops and want to see their equipment, supplies, and safety upgraded and improved".


What did John McCain APPARENTLY learn by being a tortured POW?


I mean...Jesus, really? THAT'S the message you send out? Can you seem more forced into playing up a wedge issue? I'm not kidding. Here is how it reads: "As a POW in Vietnam, I suffered years of torture and humiliation at the hands of my captors. [descriptive paragraph about how horrible the place where he was tortured was]. That's why I have consistently fought to defendthe right to life and the rights of the unborn".


Jesus H. Christ. I still have three things on my Too-LiveJournal-About paper: "Weekend Agenda!", "RPG", and "Socialism" (that socialism one is going to be a whole thing in-and-of itself), and I am still not at the store yet (it's 11:58), and this is already going to fill up your Friends Page.

I'll continue this later. COUNT ON IT.

mccain, marriage, food, politics, girls

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