Apr 11, 2008 09:14
I'm kind of offended that regular season baseball gets top-billing on Sportscenter over playoff NHL hockey. Combine the fact that the whole sport of baseball is just a boring little stand-aroundfest with that fact that the whole of MLB is disgraced by drug scandal after scandal...I can't believe anyone stil cares. And the NHL is playing RELEVANT PLAYOFF GAMES.
One of the first baseball games they showed was Cub/Pirates. CUBS/PIRATES. Pirates are 3-6! We're well on our way to tying the most-consecutive-losing-seasons record! :)
Penguins are up 1-0 on the Senators with a 4-0 win Wednesday night. That was epic, because Ottawa was the #1 team in the East I didn't want to play....up until Wednesday night, they were 8-1-0 against the Pens in their last nine games. But maybe we're getting the monkey off our back.
The Office was back last night...not one of their strongest efforts, but still a good episode. I shouldn't be surprised by it...they hadn't done their obligatory Hard-To-Watch-Awkwardness episode for season 4 yet (though, there've been MOMENTS like that that the show does so well [Karen/Jim in "Branch Wars"], but last night's episode was ALL awkward, a la "Phyllis' Wedding" or "Yankee Swap"). I really would have hated the episode outright if not for the perfect last 5 minutes or so (Michael trying to "take the fall" for Jan; Jan trying to glue the Dundee back together, Michael and Dwight going home together), because after what they've shown earlier in the season, I don't buy that Michael/Jan is supposed to be a horrible relationship. The train scene earlier this year is one of the best moments of the season so far.
That all said, I'm really not buying Angela/Andy even from a plot standpoint. They're just kind of being wasted. Maybe if they were doing more with them....but right now, it's just kind of a boring little thing.
I think I'm going to take 2 sick hours tonight and come home early. That'll be nice. I need to straighten my apartment up a bit. It's kind of messy. We'll see. But I'm pretty sure I'm taking those hours tonight. I need to think of a good excuse...."I don't want to be here, so I'm going to leave early. Use my sick time!" See how that works?
I've been going through a whole...thing. I'm not sure how to get around it. Maybe it's something I need to talk about, but not in LJ. There's a reason for that, don't feel excluded, fans. I think I need to have a dialogue, and not just me meandering on. And I can't bring myself to talk to my dad or Heather or Tina about it. Oh well.