[EXO] [PD14] Waiting in the Wings

Dec 04, 2014 23:11

Title: Waiting in the Wings
Fandom: EXO (sort of fused with Final Fantasy VII, plus some geography from FFVIII)
Series: Phoenix Down (#14)
Rating: R (for violence)
Genre: AU, crossover (sort of)
Wordcount: 29,931
Contains: Temporary character death (dream sequence), involving some violence. Graphically described transformation.
Disclaimer: Not mine, damnit.

Summary: Chanyeol's been wanting to explore life outside his village for years, but he'd always assumed it would be on his own two feet, rather than giant flaming wings.

A/N: This one goes back a little to tell Chanyeol's story, eventually picking up where 12. Tree at the End of the World (Part 1) left off. Apologies if the timeline seems confusing. Thank you as always to MC for being a fantastic beta and getting me to knock this into shape. <3

Also, thank you very much to unniebee, who drew me this wonderful picture of the Kris/Yixing/Jongin crossdressing collaboration from 3. Dress to Kill! <3

This one's a bit long for LJ, so posted to AO3 and Dreamwidth

rating: r, media: exo!fic, orientation: queer, length: oneshot, series: phoenix down, genre: au, orientation: gen

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