Title: Not Like Other Boys
Series: Gokusen 3
Pairing: Kazayama (Ren/Yamato)
Rating: G
Genre: Angst, romance
Word count: 1,261
Disclaimer: Not mine, damnit.
Summary: Yamato muses on his lack of interest in girls, his upcoming graduation...and Ren.
Not Like Other Boys )
Comments 38
This was so lovely and just ahh. It put a huge smile on my face. But now you should make up for the slight angst with lots of fluffy Yamato/Ren fic! :DDD
You pretty much *are* my target audience for this one, so I'm glad you enjoyed it, Sarah! Poor Yamato. I did not mean for that stuff about his family to slip in there but one thing led to another and when it comes to angst...in for a penny, in for a pound. Ren'll be there for him, though. ^_^
But now you should make up for the slight angst with lots of fluffy Yamato/Ren fic!
Hah, I've done my bit. Your turn next, missy! ;-)
But great job! <3
Oh good - I hoped that if a moment like that had that kind of effect on me, it would on someone else, too! I think the last line is my favourite, actually.
It doesn't feel too angsty too me
True; perhaps 'contemplation' would be better than 'angst' as a category, since Yamato's hardly pining away! As you say, he's content for now - something is always better than nothing, and if he wants more he's going to have to make a move to obtain it.
Thanks for commenting, and I'm very pleased you enjoyed it! ^_^
so... sequel..? Ren's point of view? ^^ the revelation and getting together? *wink*
Hmm...maybe when I get back from holiday... ;-)
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