Days 1-3 South Africa - apologies, internet is intermittent at best!

Mar 05, 2014 15:46

Day 2

Introductory day and tour of township. Humbling. Simply humbling. Such beauty looming over such hardship. But fantastic to see how the fellowship have already had such an impact. Simpy raising a floor above ground floor raises them above their township to see the world outside and hopefully raises their aspirations too. And the kids are so pleased to see us. Tomo we put into practice all we learned today in workshops to help prepare us for our 3-5 year olds - play time and story time here we come!

Our group dressed up as 3 little pigs and the big, bad wolf (and two of us forgot to remove our tails afterwards!), made a logo inspired by the phrase 'order from chaos', built blocks to represent the township, tried marble and string (and hand) painting, and then rehearsed the dramatic telling of the 'Sad seed'!

We also got to stock the education centre literacy room (Pearson branded) with all the lovely books provided - so thank you!

Vrygrond: 45,000 people in 1km square, around 60% unemployed. 3,000 kids in need of love, care and education, with no support from the government. That's the challenge True North are trying to tackle head on here. They're amazing people. Truly amazing.

Day 3
Just back from day one proper. In the little sunshine creche helping teacher with 19 4-6 year olds, swamped by kids and hugs in seconds of arrival,left at noon utterly exhausted. Then to the True North education centre where six of us had one-on-one time and play with the kids from the creche we are renovating. Back to creche each morn now, I'll be doin storytime tomo, and its my turn at the renovation after. Actually feeling reinvigorated atm but ready for shower before dinner and my turn to select the pics for our official blog .

Day 4

Job well done! Felt I am making a tangible impact in the creche this morn, this afternoon painted the outside of our renovation creche and made and laid concrete under the hot sun - now exhausted, and covered head to toe in paint!

Several touching moments of progress:

1) When the teacher forgot the kids needed to wash hands before snack time and I was able to initiate it

2) Dealing with crying child with sand in her eye, and having her undivided attention and gratitude thereafter

3) Taking a drink from my water bottle and teacher asking to try it, even tho it was just tap water from where we're staying

Moment of note: having several determined little helpers when sweeping up - doesn't happen back home!

Also been thoroughly gratifying to receive all the adults' attention and praise when storytelling!
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