Yeah, this isn't going to be a whole thing with the gifs and everything. Brief SotP!
Arya Stark - Losing more people/family members, just for the boot to go in, and feeling distinctly fractured and directionless; headed to bad decisions city, if there's folks willing to volunteer to be bad influences and all of that. Will cut loose at the Rave in the Caves, I am sure, and before that will have probably murdered some folks during homeplot, so that's nice. She basically expects everyone she's close to to go at any minute, at which point she would have to be restrained from burning down Summerfell. As one does.
William de Worde - Needs a post or something, jeez, since Olivia has a couple of words now and honestly is going to be walking, she will be ambulatory. So a post in which this is happening. Times-wise, I was happy about the post-spaceplot issue post, doing it that way, I think I'll do that again in future; it doesn't quite have the same effect and get the word out, and there's less of folks reacting randomly to bits I didn't expect, but I just don't have the time and brainspace to do it the old way. I may have said this a few times. I just do miss it, I liked it, it was satisfying, just... so much work.
Spike Spiegel - Faye AND Ed, one short of a complete set! The Faye situation is Very Complicated and he doesn't know what to do with it, so he's mostly just handling it with more kid gloves than he is usually inclined to do, until such time as he gets grumpy enough or (the less likely option) settled enough with her presence to bust out the old-style complaints. I was trying to figure out whether/how to do homeplot when I had my stroke of genius, so some time this year... it's The Real Timeloop Blues. Stay tuned.
Keith Mars - As always, bring me your crime, and... your single ladies? No, I don't know, the date thing with Sarah Connor was fun, I should do more along those lines, he dates in canon, this is a thing he does, he cannot just be all work all the time. But bring me your crime! I know there are other IPD members and they can stop crimes occasionally, idk, I just like volunteering so that he's a visible presence.
Tony Stark - Needs a post! Probably post-timelooped, where he spent a month in the rather more hectic and superhero-populated 616-verse, seeing how that works. He reserves his opinion, or has a very complicated one, but is basically more determined than ever to punch a way out of this joint and get to work back home. I have various plot ideas that I need to nail down, basically whether he's going to, like... the Negative Zone or the Moon or Atlantis or what, next, or maybe the possessed killer robot is next? Also need to come up with some inventions, maybe look into the Stark Braintrust idea I vaguely had, although that kind of overlaps with Nix's lecture series thing -- ooh, no, that's for teaching next semeseter, that one, Applied Engineering or whatever. Assuming he's conned into it by then, which I will make happen.
Wolverine - I should organize a bar brawl, that'll be fun. Fight club if it's there, helping Rogue with her crazy in whatever respect. Another one that could date, if he wasn't like... short and hairy. But somehow he manages? But also he has that thing where EVERYONE HE DATES DIES so he's mostly for casual flings, again, tricksy. And one day, he will pop the claws, but at this point it has to be basically epic, I think, some big enemy and everyone else has gone down and he's just... there. Doing his thing. Snikt bub snikt.
Jessica Drew - LOVE HER. Ugh, so much. Having dinosaur adventures with Wardo, Olive and Chris; the first half was delightfully laden with all sorts of weird overtones, and now it is a rollicking good time. Sort of a heart-to-heart-ish with Peter prior to that, which was good, too, that's always going to be strange but, I mean, if anyone's going to get each other, it's going to be these two, because duh, right? Currently homeplotting, also, after which will come some emo, since she'll be in a place where no one knows her, that she doesn't really have a place in, and she'll come back and think on the fact that it's the same everywhere, including back home. I want to a post for that very soon, but I don't know how to balance it -- I don't want to prevent people still playing out their homeplots from tagging in, since there's some folks I'd want that I know are still going, but I also don't want to wait too long because the very visible stage of angsting would not be very long. I mean, even soon after, she puts on a brave face, but there's that.
Will not be going to any Raves in Caves unless someone drags/begs her along; if this occurs, she will attend for approximately three minutes, two of which will be spend trying to confiscate and destroy people's drugs. She's a squircle.
The big canon news is that she's now Jessica Drew, Agent of SHIELD, because apparently Ultimate SHIELD hires children (while making the actual Peter Parker take superhero lessons, natch, that's what you get for not being a girl, Pete). Which is actually a role and a place, so that's an item, down the line, the uniform. If only I could get her into it in public somehow? Although, hard to keep cover. Tricky. But I'm not doing any items until Death of Spider-Man is over, because chances are there may be something I want to pull related to that.
And that's what I got. No future pups, you know me, I do like one a year. And they keep pushing back Batwoman.
Here, if you go through that whole thing, fine, they're the in thing, have a gif: