[ mandalus ] ❝ i was a heavy heart to carry, my beloved was weighed down. ❞

Feb 26, 2012 03:19

"Aaand you think Magnus would be alright with me staying here? I mean, does she have the room?"

Will Zimmerman couldn't help but give a chuckle as Abby Corigan kept rambling on. He understood why Abby was so worried about asking Magnus if she could stay with them. She was technically an outsider - previously working for the FBI. While there was no bad blood between them, Abby had reasons to be worried that Magnus wouldn't want her to live within the Sanctuary.

"Abby, she'll be fine with it. And, our Sanctuary came here with us. There's more than enough room in the residential areas." Will pulled hand out of his pocket and gestured to the rooms as they walked past.t "And, hey. If we ever ran out? We could share a room."

Abby tilted her head and eyed him. "Sharing a room. Like. Living together? Isn't that a bit fast?"

It was Will's turn to raise his eyebrows. "Hey, you're the one that wanted me on the desk in my office. I think we can go beyond the whole 'we're moving a bit fast' thing."

"Sex and living together is different, Will!"

"Hey, it was just an idea. We don't have to--" Will stopped mid-sentance as his phone began to buzz in his pocket. He pulled it out, sliding the bar over to see the text that he had recieved:

Will. Come to the foyer. - Magnus.

"Here's your chance to ask. Magnus just got back." Will waved the phone at his girlfriend, making his way straight to the elevator. Abby shuffled nervously before running after Will into the elevator. "Sounds like she's got something I'll need to take care of. Asked me to come to the foyer instead of her office."

"A new person to stay in the Sanctuary?" Abby guessed. "You're still operating as normal? Even here?"

Will sighed. "Magnus thinks that even if we're in a time locked city named Mandalus, we should still do what we do back home. No matter the place, people need sanctuary, I guess. Maybe we'll find a way home sooner or later."

The elevator doors open and Will quickly walked down the hall, taking a left into the foyer. He saw Helen standing there, her coat in her hands and in her typical business attire. Will couldn't recall her having any sort of meetings with any individuals, but then things in Mandalus changed daily. Even if years didn't matter.


"Ah, Will." Helen turned, and her smile widened. "And Abby! I hope I wasn't interrupting anything..."

"Oh! No, no." Abby shook her head, her hands up a bit. "I mean, well, we were talking about a date. And possible living arrangements, but nothing right now..."

"I think I understand." Helen smiled with a nod and looked at the two. "I have someone I'd like the both of you to meet. He'll be staying with us in the Sanctuary until he manages to find his way home."

Will tilted his head and raised his eyebrows with a shrug of his shoulders while Abby smiled and nodded. Helen gave a nervous laugh before stepping to the side and reaching behind her, gently pulling a man in his early twenties beside her. Will crossed his arms, automatically knowing he was an assassin just by the clothes and the asortment of weapons he carried. Italian, by the look of it, which was even less surprising. The Sanctuary was allied with the Brotherhood, namely due to both sides agreeing on protecting and perserving life. Not to mention that the leader of the assassins and Helen had a relationship that Will couldn't quite understand, nor really wanted to understand. So, the question that stuck out in his mind was: Why was the assassin staying in the Sanctuary and not with the other assassins?

"Will, Abby," Helen gave a nervous smile. "I'd like the two of you to meet Ezio Auditore da Firenze. He'll be staying with us for a short amount of time."

Will's eyebrows jumped up and his mouth hung open, looking at Helen as if she slapped him. Abby looked between the three, tilting her head slightly making a confused "oh."

Ezio nodded to Will and took Abby's hand, kissing the back of it. "Sono in compagnia di molte belle signore. E 'un piacere conoscerla, bella donna."

Abby let out a small giggle as Helen rolled her eyes. "O-oh, uh. I have no idea what you just said... but, thanks! I think. It's nice to meet you, uhm, Mr. Auditore."

"Please, call me Ezio."

"Alright, alright." Will stepped up, hand going in between the two. "It's nice to meet you too, Mr. Auditore. Mind explaining to me what you're doing here in Mandalus?"

"If I knew that, Signore, I would be back in Italia where I need to be." Ezio snorted and crossed his arms. "I just arrived here and bumped into Helen. She offered for me to stay in her... ah..."

"Santuario." Helen smiled a bit and looked back at Will. "Will, I believe you know exactly the room to take him to? Then meet me in my office and we'll have that chat."

"Yeah. Sure. Not a problem." Will eyed Helen before motioning for Ezio to follow. The two walked off then Abby looked to Helen.

"Should I, uhm, go?" Abby pointed at the door.

"Nonsense, Abby." Helen shook her head. "You said something about living arrangements, yes?"

"Yes! But, I mean, you have Mr. Auditore--I mean Ezio--staying here already."

Helen motioned for Abby to walk with her. "I'll explain everything once Will shows him to his room. I'm certain that he'll want to have an extensive chat afterwards."

The two moved in silence to Helen's office, though Helen was quite aware that Abby was watching her. Abby was in her mid-twenties, as was Will, about medium height and blond hair. She was perky and bubbly, always smiling and willing to learn. Even if she had no idea what the topic at hand was. She truly was the best fit for Will. She could bring out the happier side and make him laugh. They both understood the mind and behavior patterns, thus making it rather hard for the other to keep anything locked away for too long.

She let out a bit of a sigh and folded her skirt under her as she sat down on one of the couches in her office. Abby nervously sat across from her, putting her bag down and folding her hands together over her knees. Helen tilted her head slightly and offered her a reassuring smile. The conversation was hardly going to be some judicial trial.

"Soo..." Abby started off nervously, fidgetting slightly. "Is he his son?"

"Pardon me?" Helen eyed her with abit of confusion on her face.

Abby made a gesture to the hallway they had just come from. "Ezio! I mean, Will told me about this... older gentleman that was staying in the Sanctuary with everyone? Sort of scruffy and elusive. And Italian! Not that being Italian is anything bad. Just, you know, that's where he's from. Then this Ezio shows up, and he... doesn't look old. At all. And he's a complete flirt."

"You noticed that bit." Helen noted. Of course Abby would notice it.

"Uh, yeah. Will kind of went into that 'over protective boyfriend mode.'" Abby laughed nervously. "Just. He has the same name, and usually that implies some sort of family relationship. Son, maybe even grandson! A namesake--"

"--But?" Helen leaned against the back of the couch ever so slightly.

"But," Abby sighed. "This place is absolutely bonkers, Magnus. People go away for massive amounts of time and come back. I guess, I'm just asking who he is. He's important to you, isn't he? Will always goes on about how he sees you and this older Ezio give each other these... you know. Looks. That kind where you wonder 'Why aren't they sleeping together yet?'..."

Abby paused when she realized what she had said. Helen couldn't help but smile, but forced a laugh back as the woman began to fix her hair nervously.

"And if you are, that's great. Really!" Abby threw her hands around as she tried to cover up her own trail. "I guess what I'm really wondering is if this Ezio is the other Ezio?"

Helen waited a brief moment for Abby to calm herself down. "He is the same Ezio, and you're entirely correct in your assment of the city we find ourselves in, Abby. I don't quite understand it myself, but, he is the exact same person. Simply thirty years younger. I suspect that whoever, or whatever controls this city can decide when a person arrives from their own history. Meaning that any one of us could return home and return to Mandalus older or even younger than the last time we arrived."

Abby pushed her lips together in a frown. "That's not really good news."

"It's not." Helen shook her head. "And, Will is right in one regard. Ezio is a very, very important person to me. Regardless the Sanctuary's relationship with the Brotherhood. I couldn't just leave his younger self out in the streets."

"Because he might... find something?" Abby took a wild guess. "Or meet someone he's not supposed to. Or, even--will he remember when he goes back? That he came here and met all of us? Oh, God. That means he could remember you through out his life!"

Helen nodded. "Which is why we have to be very careful in what we say and do. It could be that once he returns home, he'll forget all about this place until he returns for the first time as an older man. We don't entirely understand how it works on our minds."

"Well, we remembered." Abby pointed out. "We went back to our... world thingie and remembered everything about Mandalus. Then, we ended back up. Unless, you want him to forget?"

"I don't think it will make much of an impression." Helen said instead of answering her question. "He has a great many things left to do in his life, Abby. He will probably return home and think this was all some sort of odd dream."

Abby made a face. "You kiiiinda make an impression on people, Magnus. One that others don't really forget."

She smiled a bit sadly. "Let's hope he forgets this encounter then. It would be for the best."

"You don't really think that." Abby gave her a look. "Behavioral Sciences, remember? Reading people is my job. You want the exact opposite of what you're saying, but you're not even really sure about that."

"Abby, please."

"Would it be so bad if he remembered?" She asked. "Just think about it. It means when he goes back, he'd have thirty years to think about everything that's happened. Maybe that's why he falls in love with you? I mean, if you're in love."

"I highly doubt that's the reason or that it'll happen that way." Helen said with a straight face. She adored Abby, but this was not a conversation she wanted to have with anyone. "We simply need to make sure that he's taken care of while he's here and until he returns home."

"We might need to see if there's any ladies of the night then."

"Will!" Abby turned around, ready to throw the nearest pillow at the man as he walked into the room. "You can't say that in front of--"

"Hey. Everyone here knows that he was a bit of a player." Will crossed his arms, standing beside the couch that Abby sat on. His eyes went straight to Helen, demanding answers. "Besides, they're aligned with the assassins too. They'd be able to keep a better eye on him than we would."

"Still, Will. Have some tact. He's Magnus's... well, I don't know. But he is."

"Yeah. Real definiative there, Abby."

"If the pair of you are finished." Helen said sharply, her hands flexing together as the two looked at her. "As I was telling Abby, Will. I've no idea why he's returned to the city so young. I've already notified Desmond in hopes that he'll know how to handle the situation. According to what Ezio told me, Desmond is the one who will know him better than any of us. They are family."

"Uh, they're a bit more than that. He kind of relived the guy's life through that wonky machine. The one Henry wanted to remake?" Will shoved his hands into his pockets with a pointed tone in his voice. "We should turn Ezio over to the assassins. Desmond is going to know exactly where he's at in his life and what to do with the guy. Hell, he'll probably understand Italian."

"I am fluent in Italian, Will, did you forget that?" Helen's eyes narrowed.

"No." Will said defensively. "But, you're also not his family, Magnus. I know you care a lot about the guy... and he's the only one you've really let in since Ashley died." Helen flinched ever so slighty at the mention of her daughter. "But, this isn't going to end well. You spent one hundred and thirteen years in seclusion away from your timeline. Shouldn't you be doing the exact same thing here? What if him meeting you now screws up whatever he's supposed to do?"

"I doubt that." Helen said flatly. "He's in love with the woman he's supposed to be and focused on the mission that turned him into an assassin. I hardly see how this is going--"

"That's just it, Magnus! You don't see!" Will suddenly shouted. Abby stared up at him and Helen stood up. "All you're seeing is that you're trying to help him. To keep him from discovering something that he shouldn't. You're not seeing what the hell this could do to him down the line! That's the entire problem with your relationship, Magnus."

"Will." Helen spoke lowly and defensively, her shoulders squaring as she tried to keep herself calm. "Be quiet before you say something you regret."

"That's what I should be telling you!" Will stepped forward to her. "Or, have you forgotten the fact that Desmond actually exists? Desmond is Ezio's descendant by how many ever years. It doesn't matter. It means Ezio is going to end up with someone else. Not you!"

Silence filled the room and Helen bit her lip, looking down at the floor and shifting her weight back and forth. Part of her knew that Will was correct. Whatever happened in the city didn't leave long term effects on their original worlds, as events still played out as they were supposed to. It was cruel and unfair - giving people a secondary life that they could return to. Regardless of choices made in their proper times. Still, it was the way it was. She'd made peace with that fact for every person she met in the city.

"I distinctly recall you berating me, in a cave system, for doing the exact opposite." Helen finally managed to say. It was a weak defense, but it was the only one she had. "You gently pointed out to me that I never let anyone close because I will lose them. And now that I have, you're standing here and berating me once again. I live my life the way I believe it should be lived, Will. As you pointed out, I could give a hundred more bloody years to this Sanctuary and this city, and you only have one set of days. Let me do what I feel is right in mine, and you do what you feel is right in yours. Even if we don't agree."

Will actually laughed at that statement. Helen couldn't tell if she was angry or hurt by the fact that he found some sort of amusement in her struggling. She could stand there and explain why she felt the way she did for a man who lived three hundred years before her, but it would hardly matter. Will had already made his decision on how he felt about he situation.

"Alright, yeah. Sure. You can. But let's look at the facts, Magnus." Will began to count down on his fingers. "You look for ways to be miserable, don't you? The man you let yourself open to is in his fifties and from the sixteenth century. People didn't live that long back then. He's got maybe ten years in him before he dies. You could offer him medical assistance to help, but you won't. Because you're "respecting his wishes" when you're just actually afraid of making it worse. You fall in love with a man who is going to die... for what? So you can help him with his passing? Magnus, what the hell are you thinking?!"

"I wasn't aware feelings had to have thoughts behind them." Helen replied softly.

"That's why you told me to be your emotional compass. Remember? After Ashley died? You wanted me to be logic and reasoning." Will pointed at the computers. "You sat right there and asked me to be it. So, I am. And I'm telling you that there's nothing that is going to do you any good in this. He's going to end up with some other woman, you're going to have to let him go so he can have his kids who eventually have Desmond. You're going to have to watch him die."

"Just like I'm going to have to watch you die." Helen blinked once. "And Abby... and Henry, and Kate. All of you. It comes with knowing people with my lifespan. I can't get away from it, so why should I bother trying?"

Will rolled his eyes. "Magnus, are you even listening to yourself right now? Are you that much in love with a killer? Or, did you forget about the fact that he murders people for his job. Regardless of whatever higher reason they kill people, they still kill people. You're all about protecting people. How the hell can you even look past that to be in love with him? What, because his life sucks? Everyone's life sucks!"

Helen stared at him, shaking her head ever so slightly as she bit back all of the emotions that were rising inside her. She wanted to cross the few feet in between him and smack him. If she wasn't so damn stubborn - so used to getting her way and winning the arguments - maybe she would have. Instead she stood her ground, holding back all the emotions behind her face.

Abby looked between the two, trying to find someway to cut in and break up their argument.

"So. The truth comes out then." Helen stepped up to face Will, her hands balled into fists. "This has nothing to do with the fact of timelines or even my personal well being. It's that all you see is killing. Regardless of how many more lives they save, or how they do it for the better of man kind. All you can see is a body count. Have you ever stopped to think that we do the same thing, Will? As much as we hate to do it, we have to kill abnormals sometimes to protect others. How can you even judge them for doing the same thing? Because they're killing people and not abnormals? Or, is it because you used to work for the police? All you can see is homicide, not anything more? You don't even realize what they do in this city protects us so we can do our job! And yet you stand here, judging them, and therefore judging me for our alliance with them. Not to mention my own personal relationship with their Mentor. Or, unless, you believe we're only aligned with them because of my relationship with him."

Will narrowed his eyes. "People do stupid things when their in love, Magnus. Even endangering everyone else around them."

Helen had to bite on her tongue to keep the pain from that blow locked up. Instead she stood straighter, her hands balled into fists and released again as she took in a deep breath. Then she raised her hand and pointed to the door. "Get out."

"Now you're going to kick me out because you can't let yourself believe you've actually put our lives in danger." Will scoffed and raised his hands. "Fine."

"Get out. Right now." Helen repeated. "Before I truly do something I regret, William."

His eyes narrowed at the use of his full name but he simply turned his head up and strode out of her office. Abby turned on the couch, watching him walk out with a small shocked expression on her face. She looked down then up to Helen. The Victorian woman had lowered her hand and closed her eyes, he rhead turned slightly away as she tried to collect herself. Abby let out a low breath before standing up and smoothing her skirt. She picked up her bag and took a step towards Helen.


"You should go, Abby." Helen spoke softly. "He'll be needing someone to calm him down."

Abby gave a bit of a smile. She wasn't that close to Helen. It was more of a professional relationship, but she wanted to change that. Somehow. "You look like you'll need someone too."

Helen laughed just a bit and shook her head, eyes flicking up to the ceiling. "I'll be fine. I've gone through much worse."

"Still..." Abby raised her eyebrows slightly.

It was different when someone who was that close ripped apart a relationship that important. Abby understood Will's side, where he was coming from, but that didn't make it right. She sighed and glanced down at the necklace around Helen's neck. A simple black cord with beads on it. She tilted her head just slightly before the light went on in her head.

"It's a lovely necklace." Abby nodded to it. Helen reached up and touched it. "I don't think I've ever seen you wear it before."

"I rarely do." Helen admitted. "It's... not something I want damaged when I'm in the operating room or dealing with the fire elemental."

"Right." Abby nodded again. "I understand. After all, given he's had it all his life, and now that you have it? You wouldn't want it ruined."

Helen raised her eyebrows ever so slightly. So, Abby had noticed it. "I'm sorry?"

Abby just smiled. "I notice things, Magnus... it's my job. You have it, but so does Ezio. The one staying here. It's not that hard to figure out that he gave it to you... or, is going to give it to you. I'm never going to get used to these tenses. Anyways, it really is lovely. I'll stop by tomorrow and we can talk about the whole living arrangement thing. Okay?"

She reached out and squeezed Helen's arm before promptly leaving the room, closing the door behind her. Helen closed her eyes once she had left and reached behind her, guiding herself to sit on the arm of the couch as she began to shake. She took in a deep breath and glanced up at the ceiling, feeling the pit of her stomach fall.

word count: 3,871
type: ficlet for frostedvoices/alltenfingers

who; ezio auditore da firenze, who; will zimmerman, who; abby corigan, & ficlet, ( verse ) mandalus

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