Sep 13, 2006 18:14
i just assumed that you eventually would ask.
on monday i was unusually cheery, and asked for hugs and wandered around alone quite a bit. i think this was the day i sat with laura on the middle school green. a fine day, i think.
tuesday was pretty average. i can't think of any defining moments in school, but after school i took a nice long walk up to the construction site and car path and took a lot pictures. it was very, very relaxing.
today was wednesday and it was the first real wednesday in school and it wasn't half bad. after school laura and i walked to troutbrook, came across chris alex and max. laura and i sat on a bank and had a chat.
things seem to be a lot more touchy lately. i'm tired of tiptoeing around people. i'm tired of people in general. lately, i've mainly just wanted to be alone.
forgot my tobati interview. auditions tomorrow.
suit and cereal etc party on saturday. ask me for information.
there are many many years.