Pregnancy Update.
Week 32.
Bladder: Nonexistant.
April: Not close enough.
Valentine's Day was nice and peaceful. Woke up to roses from Balthier a dozen red and one white one right in the middle! We made breakfast together and lounged around most of the morning until it was time for Hunter's birthday party. I had no clue that Balthier had another surprise for me until I got home and he covered my eyes and dragged me up the stairs to the freshly
completed nursery! We had been putting off getting things set up and it was half finished until he decided to finish it with the help of Albanion while I was gone. Should have known they were up to something! I'm glad it's finished though. It's a huge load off of my mind just in case she does decide to come early...
Though, I do suppose it was for the best. Balthier and I tried to paint the room the other day and one thing led to another and we both ended up covered in light purple paint thanks to us giving into our immature sides and having a paint fight. And then Albanion walked in and we both attacked him... poor kid never saw it coming!
If this snow would stop, I could actually get out of the house instead of being cooped up in here all the time. I need something to do before I go completely insane...