Jan 19, 2010 13:05
It would appear that a certain two blondes that have been MIA for a few months have finally crawled back to the land of the living. One of them is in serious trouble with yours truly and should he ever pull another stunt like that again, I will personally make sure to hide the body so well that no one will ever find it. As for the other one, you've missed out on a few adventures, Vaan, two rescue missions under our belts and you managed to not be around for either of them. I'm disappointed...~ You better have a good reason for disappearing like that or I won't let you near Albanion, and just think about what all you could teach him~
I have never been so excited to get out of the house in my life as I was this morning. Everyone around here, including Balthier and Albanion, has started back to class while I'm sitting around the house doing absolutely nothing. Yes, I'm taking a few online classes, but I got to the point a couple days ago that I've almost finished all the work for them already. In a few weeks, I'm going to be bashing my head against the wall because I'm so bored!
It's sad that my exciting trip out was a trip to the doctor to get poked and prodded in places that Balthier barely gets to see anymore. After all of that, I get told that I need to gain more weight... trust me, those are words no woman wants to hear, especially one that feels like she's swallowed a watermelon. Mmm watermelon... okay, I don't care that it's in the middle of winter, someone get me some watermelon, now before I go down to the store on the corner and make the poor people that work there even more scared of me.
Albanion and I... well, we have an understanding at the moment. He still isn't a huge fan of me, but I think he's moved passed the hating me stage. He and Balthier are getting along quite well though, so that's an improvement there. At least they're spending time together and he's adjusting to school and he's mentioned a few friends.
Right, before I forget and a certain blonde starts worrying (Rikku, I'm looking at you), Balthier and I are going to be disappearing for a few days when it gets closer to his birthday. We know it's the last chance we're really going to have to be alone for a while so we're going to take advantage of that. We're not going very far and a certain son of ours is insisting that he gets to stay at home by himself. It's just for the weekend so we see no harm in that as long as he doesn't throw any parties... or if all evidence of said party is cleaned up before we get home. I'd just like to see him try to destroy all evidence of a party without help... it would be good for a few laughs at least.
I'm still waiting on my watermelon.