In Time: Sam's Gift

Dec 01, 2008 13:53

Title: Sam's Gift
Summary: Sam's infirmary-bound on Halloween.
Timeframe: Same as "Boo-Boo" and "From the Mouths of Babes."
Characters/Pairing: Established Sam/Jack, Maddie, Janet
Genre: General, Family
Rating: G.
Prompt: Write a fic/drabble/anything using these three objects: pumpkins, a goldfish, a can of spray paint

Sam’s Gift

Adjusting her position in the uncomfortable infirmary bed, Sam leaned back into her pillows and heaved a sigh. She was not a happy camper. It was Halloween and she was stuck on base.

She and Jack were supposed to be taking Maddie out trick-or-treating, and she wasn’t going to be able to join them for the first time in her daughter‘s young life.

Hearing the door to the infirmary open, Sam forced a smile when Jack walked in with their two-year-old on his hip and a plastic bag in his free hand. She rose a confused eyebrow at her husband when he got closer and she realized the bag in his hand was filled with water, and there was a goldfish swimming around in there.

“Um, hi you two,” she greeted, shifting the arm in a sling carefully.

“Hey sweetheart,” Jack grinned at her, setting Maddie down on the bed gingerly before leaning over to give Sam a kiss. “How you feeling?”

“Okay I guess.” Sam smiled tightly, not wanting either of them to see the disappointment on her face.

“Mommy we broughted you a present!” Maddie exclaimed, pointing at the goldfish in the bag Jack was still holding.

Sam couldn’t help it, she laughed. “A goldfish, huh?” Her eyes left her daughter for a moment to drift to her husband.

Jack shrugged and grinned crookedly.

“Yep!” The little girl’s brown eyes gleamed and her wide smile lit up her face. “He’s here to keep you comp'ny when Daddy take me twik-oh-tweating."

"That's very thoughtful of you, sweetie." Sam couldn't hide her regretful expression though. "I wish I could go with you guys."

"There'll be other Halloweens, Sam," Jack reassured her, squeezing her good hand.

"I know."

Jack held up the goldfish. "I'd better get this little guy in a better container." He patted Maddie on the head as she babbled to her mother, telling a story of some sort in which, due to the two-year-old's limited vocabulary, wasn't entirely translatable. "Be right back."


When he'd gone home with Maddie to do some last-minute preparing for Halloween, Jack truly realized how much his wife was missing out on. He knew she wasn't happy, especially since this was only their daughter's second Halloween. Sam hated missing things like that.

Handing Maddie her juice, Jack sat down at the table and smiled at her, suddenly getting an idea. "Hey Mads, what do ya say we bring Halloween to Mommy at the base?"

The two-year-old tipped her head and then smiled excitedly. "O'tay!"

"Sweet." Jack grinned, then got up and quickly went to work, Maddie hopping down off her chair and following to help him.


"Hey Sam, I brought you something," Janet walked into the infirmary with a cheerful smile as she strode up to her friend's bed. She held a small decorative bag in her hand, with a picture of a ghost on it.

Sam took the bag from Janet's outstretched hand and smiled somewhat somberly, setting the goody bag on her lap and peering inside. It was filled with assorted candies. “Thanks Janet, but it’s not the same.”

“I know,” her friend smiled apologetically. “Just trying to cheer you up. I know you’d rather be out trick-or-treating with Maddie and Jack.

Sighing, Sam nodded slowly and glanced forlornly at the goldfish her daughter had brought her. When she heard childish giggling a second later, her chin jerked up and she stared at the door to the infirmary expectantly.

Jack and Maddie walked in, both wearing costumes.

Sam couldn’t help but laugh.

Maddie was wearing a lion costume, while Jack was dressed up as a scarecrow, with the floppy hat and straw coming out of his sleeves and everything. Maddie dragged a little red wagon behind her, filled with Jack-o-lanterns and painted pumpkins.

“Mommy, we bringed Hah-wo-ween to you!” Maddie squealed happily.

Sam was beaming, her eyes bright and teary with happiness.

Janet smiled widely and quietly snuck out of the room.

Jack walked up to his wife’s bed while Maddie pulled something out of the wagon and brought it over, tugging at his shirt.

“Don’t forget this Daddy!”

Turning, Jack grinned and took the items from his little girl, patting her on the head. He looked at his wife again with a boyish smile on his face and quickly plopped a pigtailed wig on her head. “This is for you, Dorothy.”

Sam laughed again, then suddenly caught Jack’s left hand. Jack’s very purple left hand. Her eyebrows rose and she giggled. “What happened?”

Jack grimaced. “Ah… Maddie accidently spray painted Daddy while we were decorating the pumpkins.” He shrugged, then lifted Maddie up and settled her on the bed.

Sam was laughing so much she had tears in her eyes. She gave her daughter a careful, one-armed hug and kissed her cheek. “You look adorable, sweetie.”

“Doesn’t she?” Jack grinned, moving around the bed so he could sit on Sam’s other side. He leaned over and kissed his wife lovingly.

“Thank you for this.”

“For you? Anything.” He smirked.

Sam pulled Jack down for a kiss this time, and smiled against his lips when she heard Maddie giggling. “I love you.”

He drew back slowly and winked with a lopsided grin. “Ditto.”

-The End-

holiday fic, janet fraiser, family, other character, samjack, series: in time, established relationship, general

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