Title: Nightingale
Summary: Jack is visited by his own angel while lying sick on the bathroom floor.
Timeframe: Any.
Characters/Pairings: Sam/Jack
Genre: General, Drama
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Gritty eyes blink against the absence of white while the cold tiles press into the warm skin of his cheek.
The sound of his own breathing whistles in his ears, heartbeat pulsing in tune with a throbbing head.
Sweat trickles down the back of his neck, soaking slowly into the collar of his shirt.
There’s a soft rasp of fabric as he tries to move, but ultimately realizes it’s not worth the effort.
The cold, hard floor is welcoming to hot skin.
His eyes close; he breathes in and out.
The door opens and he sees her, flooded in light.