work gaahh

Jul 10, 2006 08:00

so i was told today was my day off. weee i was sooo excited to actually get to sleep for once, knowing that i have to be at work at 430 tomorrow morning for truck delivery. unfortunately i get a call at 5am this morning and phone said "work". i never answer, just wait for a voicemail. so many thoughts are running through my head, as if i were to open this morning and i just misheard about my day off.
i was supposed to work at 9-5. they called me in early 730-330. fine by me, i would love to get off earlier. i get up, get ready, etc etc.
go to get in my car and the car wont get out of 1st gear. wtf?! it just keeps driving and driving. i finally pry it out of 1st, thought i broke the damn thing. it wouldnt get out of 1st and now it wont go into any other gear. ok so now im late to work.

i freakin love matt. who else fuckin wakes up at 7am to hear their gf complain about her car not working, takes you through all the steps to see if its the clutch, doesnt get mad cause i have no idea what he is talking about, and he offers to come get me to take me to work. fuck i love this kid. honestly.

i called them and said i couldnt get a ride til 10. fine by them, they just need me there for lunch. and im gonna play that i have a doctor appt at 3, hoping i get off at 230. but with all this shit happening, i doubt it will pull off.
i can still try, right?
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