
Jan 09, 2005 03:50

HmM last update on Christmas now this one at 3:18AM on Jan. 9th… I’m getting better at this =P What has happened since then? Well, I’m not sure if I mentioned my “stalker” but someone was calling me for a month or so and knew way too much info… I know who it is though so, that sucks for you guys. Grow the fuck up, you’re in college now. Anywho, I had a dream about them yesterday though, where they were trying to kill me, I went to bed ‘round 4:30ish slightly tipsy…heh…and woke up at 7:30 all flustered and breathless, ((Not in the good way!)) I finally fell asleep and got up at 10:30 for my chiropractor appointment. That’s another new thing, I’ve started going to a chiro in Perth Amboy. She’s awesome, it’s relaxing and it seems to be helping for the most part… my insomnia is actually worse but my headaches are better so, I’ll take it! I go to her 3 times a week while I’m home then down to 1 when I’m at school. The first day she took x-rays and my neck looked like “)” when in actuality your neck should look like “(“ So, I have a lot of work to do with her lol. We’re going to try to at least get it to the “l” position.

Besides that, I hung out with Vicky everyday this week, haha. We watched like 30 movies not only funny but educational as well (The Pianist and The Diary of Anne Frank) Overall it was quite the good week, I bought the SEX AND THE CITY GAME! and I found out that Nemo is back! “Out of sight, out of mind” - that definitely worked for the time being but now… I’m back to where I was… Just a little less obsessive ;)

ALSO! I’ve been going to Friday’s a lot lately, Victoria and I went tonight actually and my lover and I had massive eye contact… damn! I want him. J

School is next Sunday and while I can wait for classes I cannot wait to see my Bohners again! I miss them sooo much! Especially the Neen’s! <33 Also, I’ve decided FUCK EVERYONE AT MSU WHO HAS SHIT TO SAY ABOUT ME! You’ve  known me what 4 months and you think you’re got me figured out… I don’t think so.

On another note about school…

…I’m definitely going to start working out more, Gotta look good for summer! Haha. I’ve started to eat wheat bread too, actually, I’m addicted now haha. It’s sooooooo good! I recommend you all try it! Healthy and tastes great, what more can you ask for? ;P

AND Thomas and I have become much better friends recently; I talk to him laaaaate at night while all of Y-O-U sleep! And I confide in him and while I still can when he’s at school, I won’t be able to see him and it hit me today :\ I’m gonna miss him… which is why…

Tonight, I got all damn upset again! >=O what the hell is wrong with me?! All I ask for is a relationship, that has meaning, and I get stomach aches, massive back pain, and tears. Lots of tears… but why?! And of course, there’s a guy now, that I kinda like, I’m not to sure yet but who knows…ARG! But, my 3 favorite female friends are set (for the most part) with their counterparts so that’s all I really worry about. I pray for all my friends, all the time, so as long as they’re happy, I’m happy! I’ll get what I deserve one day…whatever that is…

On a happier note, my dad isn’t home now so I’m rapping Old school style… it’s hot… too bad you’re all missing out!

It’s 3:45 and I’m WIDE awake… I’m going to church tomorrow with Joe so I should be sleeping but we all know I barely sleep. Lol.

I do believe that it is for now… I’m going back to Friday’s again tomorrow with Erin, we have lots of catching up to do… I’m excited I just hope I don’t see my lover again ‘cause he’ll think I’m some kinda freak for repeatedly going there lol but there are twooooooo more football games on tomorrow WHOO! Let’s go Indi and Green Bay!!!

Now, LEAVE SOME COMMENTS (preferably nice ones) or Ill just stop writing lol if no one reads, why waste my time.. ya know?! Night all!
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