Sep 03, 2010 12:31
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You have.... one unheard message. First unheard message, sent Friday, September 3rd at 11:53 AM:
"Arthur, when you come home today, don't be alarmed if you so happen to find two... others now occupying the spare rooms upstairs. They needed a place to stay, and the house was starting to feel rather empty. A-haha.... also, pay no attention to the glass sticking out of the living room carpet, the side table's broken leg, the missing vase, and the roses now occupying the tea kettle in the kitchen. I HOPE YOU'RE HAVING A NICE DAY AND I WILL TALK TO YOU WHEN YOU GET HO-- ALFRED! WATCH WHAT YOU'RE DOING, YOU'RE ABOUT TO KNOCK OVER THE--[CRASH]....!"
End of Message. To Erase this message, press 7. To save it in the archives, press 9.
Are you still there?
his majesty king arthur